June 03, 2024

The Heresies Promoted by and Tacitly Approved by Donald Wuerl

Public Domain: Jewish Civilians During the Destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, Poland, 1943 (NARA)
The Warsaw Ghetto being evacuated, 1943.

Reminder:  The Eternal God, aka the Unmoved Mover & Uncatalyzed Catalyst,
is changeless.  That is to say, the God who is who was and who is to come is the
same One Infinite Being.  This is why devout Germans used evergreen trees to                               symbolize the changeless God, during Medieval Christmas season.  So, God's                               revelation to humanity is as changeless as is God the Revealer.

Now, when you are a clergyman promoting heresy under the guise that it's the
official teaching of the Catholic Church, you are committing Theft by Decep-
tion, in posing as a Catholic promoting Catholicism, when you only live in Marie                Antoinette luxury.  Enter the formerly whispery voiced Cardinal Donald Wuerl
Donald William Wuerl, former personal secretary of John Cardinal Wright
who spent tens years in Rome, learning how to manipulate its power structure.

That even goes for Mr. Kissy-poo Smiley Face

No bishop, no matter how narcissistic in glamor he and his militant homosex-
ual (Dignity Mass) followers sees him, can change doctrine.  Therefore, if the
elevator-shoe-obsessed Cardinal Donald Wuerl wants to change doctrine, then
he can simply leave the Catholic Church and his $43 million dollar abode on
Embassy Row and start another religion.  He can call it Wuerlean Protestan-
tism.  No one is stopping him.

But, of course, his new religion will have a much lower number of followers
and less money in the tax-free collection baskets, meaning that Wuerl will
actually have to live like the rest of us.  So, you can bid farewell to his
Mercedes Benz-owning chef.

In October 2015, the agenda of Cardinals Kasper, Wuerl, and company was de-
flected like a football that made contact with a defensive lineman's hand, during
a field goal attempt.   The attempt of Kasper and Wuerl was to change the Cath-
olic Church's 2,000 year old doctrine, especially as it involved the Sacrament of
Holy Communion, aka the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

More importantly, Kasper was addressing his concerns only as they apply to his
Germany and the Church's money supply thereof.  He simply wanted more Ger-
man citizens to check the box on their income tax returns which identifies them
as Roman Rite Catholic,  This is because the German government subsidizes all
religions in proportion to the number of taxpayers identifying themselves as "ad-
herents" to the various religions practiced in Germany.

Catholicism is laid waste in Germany, and the numbers of Germany's Catholic
faithful dropped to ground-level when the former Hitler Youth & Cronyism
Meister ascended to the Chair of Saint Peter.  His election to the papacy was
perceived as a continuation that ruled throughout the altar-boy-molestation
epidemic that was overseen by a Pope John Paul II who, during his younger
days was too timid to join the tens of thousands of Polish lads who made their
ways to England, to topple the Nazi Killing Machine.  Carlos Wojtyla (future
pope) first let himself be a laborer in a lime quarry and then one at a chemi-
cal company, before taking shelter in the underground seminary of Krakow.
 A hero in his youth he was not.  Don't pretend that he was..

In response to the empty echo chamber of Germany's Catholic Church attendants,
Cardinal Kasper sought to make Catholicism easy to observe.  This diluting of the
Faith, he thought, would bring back people to the church pews.  It had the opposite
effect, however.  Why join something ... or return to something ... that has nothing
majestic, admirable, challenging, or fulfilling about it.  All in all, in Kasper's plan
to make Catholicism appear to be ho-hum easy, it made adherence to the Catholic
Faith appear to be a boring waste of time.

The elevator shoes aficionado, Donald Wuerl and all of the German DNA jumped
on native German Kasper's band wagon.  And like Kasper, Wuerl feared the loss of
government dollars.

The etchings made by oceanfront vegetation has more intelligibility
than the teachings to which Wuerl gave tacit approval and which were
long since condemned as heresies in previous church councils.
Wuerl has repeatedly scored on your tax dollars, via "social service" government
contracts, school funding, etc. He allowed Pelosi, Dodd, and company do what
they willed, because Wuerl is a coward who compensated for his cowardice
by letting surrogate bullies harass those whom he feared and who did not have
corporate dollars or the federal treasury purse in their hands.
Wuerl made much income out of "social service" government contracts.  He feared
that, if he publicly denied Holy Communion to Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Joe Bi-
den and other abortion-obsessed politicians, he would become the direct object of
the democratic party's retaliation.  The retaliation that Wuerl feared was the depri-
vation of federal taxpayer subsidies.  Yes, the tax dollars of atheists in the States
do find their ways in a number of religions' bank accounts, thereby funding a
number of "sectarian" schools, hospitals, nursing homes, housing systems, and
"faith-based" social service government contacts

In addition, Kasper did not realize that, if the cardinals and ordinal bishops of
this corrupt & scandal-ridden era would start living decently, then people would
start returning to church.

As a result of German prelate Walter Kasper's obsession with his own national
boundaries, as if Germany were the only nation on earth, Australia's Cardinal
Pell publicly stated that the Catholic Church is universal and NOT continental.
Furthermore, when asked about the African bishops' comments on the matter
of changing church doctrine, Cardinal Kasper stated on camera, "Oooooh, we 
don't listen to them."  Thus, Cardinal Kasper became the Ghost of Nazism.

Kasper limited his concern to the near absence of church attendance in a very
disheveled Germany, in a stroke of Nationalism.  Then, in the spirit of Nazi
racism, he stated that "we" don't listen to the voices of the African bishops.
Kasper's sidekick, Donald Wuerl, is of German decent, thereby rounding
off Kasper's self-evident Nazi German sentiments.

Now, Cardinal Wuerl was allowing those people obstinate in mortal sin to
receive communion for years.  Those initial years were Wuerl's two weekly
Dignity Masses which endured for eight disobedient years.  Thus, Wuerl was
a pioneer at permitting the sacrilegious reception of Holy Communion on a
mass scale.  Wuerl did other evils throughout the decades, and the damage he
allowed must be repaired.

If a bishop wants to change church doctrine, in order to suit his interests, he
can simply go and start another religion.  Of course, he won't enjoy the bene-
fits of the massive tax-free collection basket proceeds that the largest form
of Christianity experiences.  Nor would such a bishop readily procure the
 amount of social service government contracts which a large religion can
procure as a matter of course.  Therefore, it's reasonable to conclude that the
various heretical bishops of today didn't leave the church, only because they
wanted to enjoy the wealth and comforts of the richer venues of the Catholic
Church.  In as much, simply because a bishop walks down the corridors of a
Catholic Church, it doesn't mean that he wants to be Catholic.  Wuerl lived
in luxury for decades.  He wanted the wealthy settings provided by Catholic
parishioners and benefactors, evidenced by the fact that he sought to live in
constant luxury.

Wuerl was made out to be a zero tolerance pioneer with a clean sex abuse
record when the truth is that he was the second bishop caught in what was
to become a Watergate of perversity.  He was hailed as one of the first bish-
ops to announce a zero tolerance policy.  But, this did NOT happen until the
triple indictments of Frs. Wolk, Zula, and Pucci ... and long after Wuerl had
put the notorious John Hoehl back into  ministry.  This same zero tolerance
policy was ignored in the case of Edward Huff who would also be indicted.
This policy did NOT apply to James Torquato, either.  Nor was this extend-
ed to the corrupting influence of the banned Dignity Masses (pro-Sodomy
Masses that Wuerl red carpeted in Pittsburgh until the Vatican told him to
knock it off.
One of the Sodomite Mass Venues, during
Donald Wuerl's tenure in Pittsburgh
Shortly before Torquato was discovered to be what we found him to be, and
while Donald Wuerl was in charge of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, there were
noticeable teachings set forth which were contrary to Catholic Church doc-
trine.  These types of teachings are still called heresies, but their essence is
that they consist in stealing church property, for the purpose of promoting
a new religion of malcontents who whined and complained about anything
Catholic.  They merely wanted to use the wealth and comfort provided by
the American church, all the while justifying their non-Catholic lifestyles.
This means that they were imposters to Catholicism.  After all, Torquato
stated that rubbing down an unwilling parishioner was something healthy.
Well, it's not healthy if the parishioner involved has the physical power
to knock out any priest who won't keep his hands to himself.

As an example of Wuerl's doctrinal negligence, a priest who was the splitting
image the of famous 1981 Nerd Poster taught that there was no such thing as
being conceived in the state of original sin.  Well, this is outright heresy and
an attack against the foundation stone of the Catholic religion.  So, the priest
was reported to Wuerl's office.  Yet, the priest was not removed from ministry,
thereby giving the false impression that the undisciplined priest's heresy was
new church teaching.

In fact, the same priest taught something about the Sacrament of the Euchar-
ist (Communion) which was condemned in an infallible statement made at
the Council of Trent.  This constituted breach of duty to loyalty.  Such a
thing would be construed as new doctrine by a trusting Catholic, being
that it was spoken by a confident-sounding priest.  However, the nerdy
look was an indication that he lived the lazy, lethargic, and lackadaisical
lifestyle of a person the opposite of an aethstetic.  It was the lifestyle of a
pampered little brat.  His doctrine equaled lackadaisicalness.

At this point, you need to keep in mind that pathetic state of the Catholic
Church in America as much as Europe in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, and beyond.
Those who attended Sunday Mass, according to John Paul II, had the status
of neo-catechuminates (those at the first stage of Catholicism planning to be
baptized in the near future.)  More correctly, that type of person can be call-
ed nothing more than "a baptized pagan."  Such persons didn't/don't know the
preliminary basics of the Faith which used to be easily learned by reading the
opening pages of any Catholic prayer book.  That is how pathetic the Catholic
Church had become throughout the Vatican II years.

The first truth of Catholicism is that its doctrine is as changeless as is the
Eternal God.  It's as changeless as an evergreen tree.  That which had been
taught by the Apostles 2,000 years ago applied 1,000 years later and still
applies today, with no amendment to the articles of Faith.  This means that
there is no such thing as a new Vatican II church teaching.  Vatican II did
NOT reverse any past teaching.   All revelation ended with Saint John the
Apostle at the Island of Patmos, the day he died.

In as much, any infallible statement official recorded in a Catholic Ecumen-
ical Council text is a reflection of what the original apostles taught.  If any
teaching, such as Cardinal Wuerl's teaching on Holy Communion, goes
against the Apostles' teachings, it's NOT Catholicism.  Rather, it's an attack
on Christ, himself.

Even though there were many infallible statements published as a result of
various ecumenical counclis, not all councils  contain infallible statements.
In fact, there is no infallible statement in any of the Vatican II documents.
There were dozens of infallible statements set forth at the Council of Trent.
There were a few at Vatican Council I, and one of them set off a revolution
in Europe.  That one was the doctrine of papal infallibility which happens
to be  limited within its scope of power, pertaining solely to officially de-
fined teachings on Faith and Morals.

Once, a certain director of religious education was reported to Wuerl.  This
was a woman who had a son she apparently neglected to teach basic moral
precepts.  At the parish where she worked, she had a volunteer teacher who
complained that the youth were not being taught the basic necessities of the
faith ... and especially morals.

In fact, a book that she issued to the teachers taught the Taoist belief in Yin
& Yang, as if it were Catholic Doctrine.  Such a thing is contrary to church
teaching.  In fact, teaching such a thing is known as apostasy.  This means
that, if the director of religious education were so enamored by a belief in
Taoism, then she had the obligation to stop accepting diocesan paychecks.
She could have joined a Taoist temple where she probably wouldn't have
been paid as much as a penny.  Well, the whistle blower was disregarded
so much so that he was fired.  The following then occurred:

The son of the director of religious education got the younger sister of
the whistle blower pregnant.  There he was (the fired teacher), trying
to get the youth to start living according to a moral code.  He is then
dismissed and treated with contempt, as if he didn't teach the truth.
Next, he finds that his sister is pregnant at the hands of the son of
the director of religious education who got him fired.

The wrong person was fired.  Wuerl should pay for that child's upbring-
ing, on account of his negligence, because a complaint against the direc-
tor of religious education was sent to Wuerl's office, long before the
pregnancy took place.

There were a number of heretical and apostastical teachings that Wuerl
let be taught in the Diocese of Pittsburgh.  This included whatever was
taught during Dignity Masses, for eight long years.  As an example of
the heresies which flew about the Diocese of Pittsburgh, a woman went
to the pulpit during a retreat of iron workers and told them that layman
have the power to bless water, thereby making it sacramental holy water.
She then had the ironworkers go through a water consecrating ceremony.

Now, this is complete heresy.  Laymen do not have the priesthood's power
to bless or consecrate anything.  If laymen had such power, then they would
also have the power to absolve each other from sin, as well as the power to
consecrate wine and unleavened bread during Mass.  This means that there
would be no need for any priest, including Wuerl.  Heresy and apostasy ends
up backfiring upon the priests who allow it to be taught.

At this point, keep in mind that best selling author Malachi Martin called
Donald Wuerl a fool who will have to answer to God for all the sins he has
allowed.  Quite frankly, Wuerl is a liar who conned people into advancing
his lies, all while posing as if the accomplices were experts.

By the way, Wuerl isn't anywhere near 5'11, as Ann Rodgers falsely stated
in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.  She knew that he's tiny.  So, how stupid did
she think Pittsburghers were?  After all, Pittsburghers were taking Wuerl to
court, left and right,because they felt wronged by him.  They weren't im-
pressed with him, to say the least.  Rodgers fabricated a fairy tale.