May 24, 2024

A Fourth Pittsburgh area molester got away, thanks to Donald Wuerl, ACCORDING to Cleveland Plain Dealer & Bryant Times

    In re: Wuerl's Triple Cover-up which resulted in the indictments of Fathers
    Robert Wolk, Richard Zula, and Francis Pucci, accompanied by District
    Attorney John C Pettit calling Wuerl and his staff less-than-cooperative.

     The Cleveland Plain Dealer mentioned the existence of an alleged fourth
     assailant in the case involving Frs. Wolk-Zula-&-Pucci.  The Plain Deal-
     er mentioned four additional youths abused by either/or Frs Pucci, Wolk,
     Zula, the fourth suspect.  The Bryan Times, which served Ohioans on the
     Northwestern sector of the state reported the same things.

     The fourth person was GEORGE ZIRWAS, someone who conveniently
     found his way to Cuba, only to meet his death in an unholy setting.

    Incidentally, Robert Wolk was ordained the exact same year in which
    Wuerl was.  This would indicate that Wolk and Wuerl were classmates.
    This would indicate cronyism in Wuerl's cover-up and in him publicly
    stating that telling a priest that he can no longer be in ministry "is a
    devastating thing to do."

    In 2015, Wuerl was hailed as a Poor Richard, living the ascetic life in a
    closed- down school.  He was then discovered to be living the Marie An-
    toinette lifestyle, in a $43 million complex, along Washington DC's posh
    Embassy Row.
Wuerl was being hailed as an ascetic even when he was living 
in this Pittsburgh mansion.  The lies about Wuerl were uncovered 
with documents, photos, and news archives.  He's a walking lie.  

As a humorous note, as soon as I took this photo, a "guard" 
dog came out of the mansion.   My remaining photos of the 
area were accompanied with the hostile sound of the dog.  
    Wuerl only had a zero tolerance track record when it came to having zero
    tolerance toward whistle-blowers who tried to clean-up the corruption in
    Wuerl's own diocese.  This included James Torquato's evidence-based ac-
    cuser.  You can add the Paul Dorsch who was a credible accuser of the
    notorious John Hoehl, not to mention the Chris Witkowski whose case
    was mentioned in the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report.  Chris's
    perp was John Wellinger.  Also add the previously mentioned whistle-
    blower roll call the deacon whom Wuerl would never allow to be or-
    dained a priest.

   The press treatment of Wuerl has been a very unconscionable lie, regarding
   him being hailed as a heroic & caring zero tolerance bishop.  He was just 
   another bishop who had his share of cover-ups and even retaliations, all the
   while having been an eight-year-long rebel against the Vatican ban on Dig-
    nity Masses.

   All in all, Wuerl was one of the first bishops caught performing a cover-up.
   My research shows that he was the second bishop, only preceded by the La-
   fayette Louisiana diocese's cover-up of Gilbert Gauthe.

The Bryan Times article:,4088961&dq=wolk+arrested+pittsburgh+zula+pucci&hl=en

The Cleveland Plain Dealer article: