July 09, 2024

SNAP's Complaints Against Donald Wuerl,
Even Before He Was Appointed Cardinal

The distorted reflection of Pgh Roman Catholic cathedral on bank windows.
The symbolism is that the love of money distorts Catholicism.
Take note that ... ever so coincidentally ... as soon as the national director
of SNAP publicly held Donald Wuerl in contempt, SNAP was publicly
declared a fraud by the teeth-gritted Bill Donohue.   None the less, I did
find SNAP to be a "shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later outfit.

For those unfamiliar, Donohue was the former Pittsburgh-area professor who
became the overly-paid director of the Catholic League, during Wuerl's tenure
in Pittsburgh.  If SNAP's national director, David Clohessy, would have public-
ly praised Wuerl, then he would have been given favorable regard from Bill
Donohue ... in my opinion.  Yet, the SNAP people do have a bit of a lynch
mob mentality ... of sorts.

Original Article:

Donald Wuerl is the cardinal  who had bitter complaints about him pub-
lished by the directors of SNAP;  by the directors of the Survivor's Net-
work of those Abused by Priests.   This ultimately shows that, if Wuerl
truly cared about sex abuse victims, SNAP directors would have recog-
nized it and have acknowledged it.  They did NOT do so.   They did the
opposite, even to the point of calling for his removal from a seven mem-
ber committee that was formed shortly after the 2002 USCCB conference
in Dallas.  Wuerl is the ultimate fraud and hypocrite

USCCB, incidentally, stands for the United States Conference of Catho-
lic Bishops.   It never existed until after the Second Vatican Council.


Persons not even belonging to SNAP have repeatedly observed in Wuerl
the typical self-seeking manipulator who used the survivor's network for
contrived photo ops, deceptive news articles, and political gain.   People
unrelated to SNAP recognized in the present archbishop of Washington
what SNAP's directors recognized.   Thus, there is a concurrence, over
and over again.

Regional SNAP director, David Lorenz, related his initial experience
with Donald Wuerl.   David was expecting an ally in Wuerl.  However,
during their second meeting, Wuerl told David to not come back to him
until David became "sacramentally healed."   Did you catch it?   Wuerl
told the nearest SNAP director to not come back.   It was equivalent to
telling all of SNAP to go to Hell.

None the less, Wuerl deceptively made it look as if he really cared about the
SNAP members, by walking out into a protest they were conducting, letting
the press claim that Wuerl was in full solidarity.  Uhhhhm.  The SNAP mem-
bers were protesting against Wuerl.  The media didn't mention this.
Wuerl used media and SNAP to cast of fraudulent image of him.
The image was a caring leader that Donald Wuerl never was.

Pittsburgh native survivor Paul Dorsch mentioned how cold & unmoved
Wuerl was during a meeting Paul and his mom had in Wuerl's office.  In
addition, a woman known and respected in the Catholic world of Malachi
Martin students stated that it was Wuerl's nastiness that which she noticed
the most.

My experience was that of a Donald Wuerl who turned into a curt and
hateful snapping turtle, as soon as he discovered that I was not there
with a gift in praise for him.   He originally strolled to me with the look
of someone who was about to received great praise.   He was only going
to receive a petition for him to do what he should have already done.  It
included the founding of an anti-sweatshop apostolate in Pittsburgh; in
a region famous for defending worker's rights, advocating livable wages,
and establishing unions.

Incidentally, this is a Donald Wuerl who was sued multiple times while
he was the bishop of Pittsburgh.   Needless to say, if a bishop is sued as
many times as was Wuerl in Pittsburgh, it means that there is something
disturbingly wrong with the bishop in question.

The following constitutes SNAP's assessment of the Donald W. Wuerl
who manipulated a lot of contrived and deceptive press, making it look
as if, during any given election, he should run for God.





In Donald Wuerl, the SNAP membership saw nothing more than a de-
ceptively slithering snake.   However, there were times when the SNAP
leadership disregarded their ill feelings toward Wuerl, employing a neu-
tral tone, in calling upon him to do a few things related to clergy abuse.
The red flag about imploring Wuerl to do the right thing was that, if he
truly cared about sex abuse victims, he would have done those things
long beforehand.  Therefore, SNAP directors were merely calling on
Wuerl to do the minimum.

According to his track record, the minimum is the most anyone will get
from Donald Wuerl, unless you are helping him to gain influence and
power by stealth and manipulation.



Wuerl is not the only modern cleric whom SNAP personnel found to
be deeply disturbing, in this era where bishop after bishop was caught
looking out for one or more selfish interests.  In fact, SNAP members
are not the only ones deeply disturbed by the fruits of the Vatican II
"reformed" church.   Even Germans left the church in droves, upon
learning of the election of Joseph Ratzinger to the Chair of Peter.



If you think that everything in the Catholic Church is now hunky dory,
think again.   If you think that Donald Wuerl is a holy holy man, it's be-
cause you haven't encountered him on any personal basis.   Concerning
you who, in the Year 2002, heard Wuerl being called a "holy holy man"
on local Pittsburgh television, did it ever occur to you that possibly, just
possibly, he was called a holy man by a woman on his payroll?  Ever so
coincidentally, that woman looked exactly like one who conducted re-
treats at St. Paul's on the South Side of Pittsburgh.

You have to start thinking.   As far as go the "sovereign" Vatican, it re-
fused to comply with the U.N. treaty on child's safety for thirteen con-
secutive years.


The Donald Wuerl who was observed acting "girly" in days past recently
orchestrated ploys that made it look as if he and SNAP are good buddies.
He made it look as if he has solidarity with sex abuse survivors.  He made
it look as if he really cares.  This made it look as if Wuerl would fulfill all
of SNAP's needs and that everyone can now go home and not think of the
sex abuse scandal ever again.  Well, the truth is that SNAP members need
your help more now, being that Wuerl has been a deceptive antagonist to it.

In April of 2010, SNAP members were demonstrating outside of the DC
cathedral.   Wuerl walked out, making it look as if he were in solidarity
with SNAP.   Stop there.   Wuerl was the reason why SNAP members
were protesting, in the first place.   If Wuerl were doing what was right,
the demonstration would never have occurred.   The links to the bitter
complaints of SNAP against power grabbing Donald Wuerl are posted

If Donald Wuerl had nothing to hide, do you think that he would have
spent the last nine years incessantly tooting his own horn?  Wuerl's horn
tooting was his diversion tactic.   In not caring about the three retaliation
victims of the Father James Torquato who spent years refusing to keep
his hands to himself, Wuerl showed that he had zero concern for clergy
abuse victims, relatives of clergy abuse victims, and advocates of clergy
abuse victims.  Wuerl showed that he only cared about his image.

There was Wuerl's triple cover-up, the Sotak retaliation against Sotak's
credible accuser, the Fr. Huff musical chairs game between St. Louis and
Pittsburgh, the hot potato game played with the John Hoehl whom Wuerl
reinstated into ministry, the sudden death of Billy Gaines, the Torquato
retaliations, his criminal negligence in the sweatshop labor scandal, his
selling of church property to a secret society to which the church affixed
excommunication, and other things which show that Wuerl is nothing oth-
er than another typical modern bishop who should have already been held
accountable for his abuse of power.
