October 19, 2024

Cardinal Wuerl canonically trapped a credible whisteblower deacon, not letting him be ordained a priest, anywhere

Donald Wuerl and his administrators mistreated the credible accuser of a certain
priest whose name will be left anonymous, being that the priest is now deceased.
The intention of this account is to contrast the ways in which Wuerl's predeces-
sors treated the person with the way in which Wuerl treated him.

Now, Wuerl was the rector of the Pgh seminary when this gentleman was in the
seminary.  In fact, James Torquato was in the seminary at the same time, and the
credible gentleman who should have been ordained a priest described Torquato
as "a brown-noser," as in kissing up to Wuerl.

Wuerl elected to ordain the James Torquato who would quickly become sexual-
ly abusive, while rejecting the good-willed whistle-blower.  Wuerl has chosen
the unnatural ones over the natural ones, throughout the years.  Even in the case
of the Moscow diocese priest who denied Holy Communion to an avowed lesbian
who disowned the Catholic Faith, Wuerl sided with the grotesquely androgynous
and obese female who frighteningly looked like a "nerdy," overweight male office

The individual highlighted here would have made a very effective confessional
priest.  The irony is that people, for the most part, abandoned the Sacrament of
Penance ... aka, the Sacrament of Reconciliation ... aka the confessional.  After
all, on Sundays people are going to communion by the truck load.  But, on Sat-
urdays, the confessionals throughout the modern church are often unoccupied.

The accused priest: 

Anonymous and deceased.  His assignments included having the headmaster
post at two Catholic high schools, as well as the pastor posts of two Catholic
parishes.  This also included an assistant pastor post in the Pittsburgh area.
He died in the Year 2004.

Accusation:  Full blown physical assault, (one time only), to the tune of
either attempted invasive contact or something similar.  The credible accus-
er alleged that he was rendered unconscious during the conflagration which,
according to him, was an intense altercation.  However, the altercation was
more of a Greco Roman wrestling match, with full scale pushing, shoving,
and tight holds, as opposed to any type of knockout punch boxing.  He
was not sure what actually happened while he was unconscious.  

The alleged circumstance surrounding alleged assault:  The credible
accuser alleges that the assault took place after a dinner outing.  The pur-
pose of the dinner was to talk about the young man chances of obtaining
a vocation to the priesthood.  The alleged assault took place after the
priest asked the gentleman very personal preference questions.

In review:

The accuser originally asked Sotak for vocational guidance, in the hope
to receive assistance in entering a seminary, should he finally decide to
pursue a vocation to the priesthood.  They went to dinner, to discuss
the matter.  After dinner came the alleged altercation.

Age of Accuser at the time of the alleged assault:  19, 20, or so.  This
is pertinent, because, if a victim is over 18 years of age, Wuerl will let
that person be abandoned ... if not harassed.

The following is alleged by Fr. Donald Sotak's credible accuser:

- The alleged assault took place during the tenure of Pittsburgh diocesan
   bishop, Vincent Leonard, in the mid 1970s.

- The priest was immediately reported to Pittsburgh diocesan personnel
   and the response was to quickly move him to a new domicile.

- The accuser joined the Pittsburgh seminary in the 1980s, eventually being
   ordained a deacon.  Wuerl was the rector of the diocesan seminary at the
   time.  Then, Wuerl was ordained a bishop, shortly thereafter.  By 1988,
   Wuerl was assigned to Pittsburgh.  Thus, Wuerl was now in charge of the
    anonymous priest's accuser.

- The credible accuser was ordained into the diaconate, a vocation one step
   away from the priesthood.  Yet, he was commanded by a vocations director
   to tell people that he voluntarily delayed his own ordination.  This, of course,
   was a lie.  The gentleman very much wanted to be a priest as soon as reason-
   ably possible.  Donald Wuerl was preventing this from happening.

- The credible accuser stated that the vocation director told him that he was to
   either sign a paper stating that he voluntarily delayed his own ordination or else
 "they" would dig-up some excuse to delay his ordination.  This is an element of
  whistle blower retaliation.

- While at seminary, the credible accuser had a window view to the parking garage,
   where he could allegedly see Wuerl and a certain young man here and a certain
   young man there leave alone, most ly after classes which were held at the nearby
   Catholic college, Duquesne University.

- A note of fact:  Donald Wuerl became an auxiliary bishop in 1986 and was
  eventually sent to Seattle Washington, concerning the Hunthausen Controversy.
  He was next assigned to the Pittsburgh diocese in 1988.

- It was under Wuerl when the credible accuser was allegedly sent to a Philadel-
   phia clinic for a psychological assessment.  The alleged diagnosis was that he
   was credible and suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.   Being diag-
   nosed with PTSD augments an accuser's credibility.

- The Pittsburgh diocesan personnel refused to accept the final assessment of the
   Philadelphia clinic.  They were apparently in search of an official sheet of paper
   which would state something differently about the credible seminarian.  So, they
   demanded that he go for yet another psychological assessment . . . in either
   St. Louis or Maryland.

- The credible accuser assumed that Wuerl was controlling the diocesan admini-
   strators on puppet strings ... that he was the person who ultimately wanted an
   official sheet of paper stating something other than what was stated by the Philly
   clinic.  This would mean that Wuerl was allegedly looking to play a game with
   loaded dice and a stacked deck of cards.

- It was at that point in time when the credible accuser departed from diocesan
   ministry.  Things had become too Orwellian for him.  He stated that he literally
   feared that he was going to be drugged into a catatonic state.  He remembers
   his time of exit being 1994.  This was during the musical chairs cover-up of a
   Fr Edward Huff.  This was also the time when the Cipolla case was underway
   at the highest court of the Vatican.  This was shortly before James Torquato
   became Wuerl's personal secretary.

- Incidentally, the credible accuser remembers James Torquato at the seminary.
  According to him, Torquato cow-towed to authority, as if to be seeking pro-
  motion points.  The actual expression used to describe Torquato was "brown

- This case, being that it was allegedly covered-up from the middle 1970's to the
   end of 2011, would easily qualify as Cardinal Wuerl's sixth simultaneous cover-
   up during the sameone  year; the year being 1988.  Now, this was an inherited
   cover-up, but it can be filed with the Wolk, Zula, Pucci, Hoehl, and Wellinger

  As a brief review:

  The Wolk, Zula, and Pucci cases were the Triple Cover-up.

  The Hoehl case was the Hot Potato Cover-up, where John Hoehl, my former
  high school headmaster, was placed back into ministry in July of 1988, and
  was only dismissed by Wuerl after Fr. Wolk was indicted.

  The Huff case is the Musical Chairs Cover-up involving the priest who was
  reported three times to Wuerl, by more than one person each time.

  The Torquato case had the most evidentiary support attached to it and it re-
  sulted in economic retaliation, as well as the physical pursuit of Torquato's
  credible accuser and .... yours truly.

  The Wellinger case, incidentally, was the one where the original reports about
  Wellinger were allegedly ignored. 

    Additionally alleged by the accuser was that:

 - The diocese's Fr. Charles Bober, STD, sent a letter to the credible seminarian
    & deacon, notifying him that he would get no stipend from the diocese.  The
    seminarian accuser then had recourse to a Fr. Bob Guay whom I once met,
    and according the seminarian, he had been getting his $700 monthly stipend
    (pension) up to the time of my interview with him.  Such checks read, "For
    services rendered."

- The accuser also stated that the letter sounded almost like a damning excom-
   munication letter.  There was no Peace of Christ within it, to say the least  ...
   ...  at least according to seminarian/deacon whom Wuerl trapped and who
   could not be ordained a priest.

- During a meeting, diocesan personnel bragged to the seminarian that
  they had an excellent policy for handling clergy abuse victims.  Yet,
  they said that the policy did NOT apply to Sotak's accuser, because he
  was a deacon.  HOWEVER, the alleged assault took place when he was
  a layman - a civilian - a parishioner.

- Even in 2002, when Wuerl finally suspended several priests who had long since
   been attached to credible sex abuse allegations, he permitted this priest to stay
   at his post.  Keep in mind that Wuerl's observed habit was that of doing nothing
   to any priest whose accuser was over the age of 18 at the time of the alleged

- Years after the credible accuser, seminarian, and deacon departed from Pitts-
   burgh diocesan ministry, he was interviewed by Randy Engel, former editor of
   the Vietnam Journal and author of the Rite of Sodomy.  The interview was to
   be kept from the public, out of fear of retaliation against the credible deacon.
   This is important to note, because it shows that the accusation is not some-
   thing recently conjured.  The accusation has been longstanding.

- In fact, while this deacon was at another seminary, he was allegedly told by one
   of the faculty priests that the priest he accused allegedly had other complaints
   against him.  Then, suddenly, the complaints of other young men were no long-
   er in the record ... allegedly.

The credible accuser furthermore alleged/averred the following:

It seemed to him that Donald Wuerl had a new teacher's pet every semester, while
Wuerl was the rector of the Pittsburgh seminary.  However, none of Wuerl's pets
were never ordained, according to the gentleman.  He even saw one of Wuerl's
seminary pets leave in anger, never to return.  This was generally corroborated by
a specific source who alleged an added thing about Wuerl.

If that added allegation is true, then it confirms the prior allegations of Wuerl having
been a practicing homosexual . . . that Donald Wuerl was engaged in the breaking
of his priesthood vows.  Now, if the allegation is not true, then a number of people
have lied to me about Wuerl allegedly being a practicing homosexual; not merely
one or two.

Now, Randy Engel did establish the fact that Wuerldid have a nexus with Pitts-
burgh's homosexual world, and according to other sources, Wuerl really was
called Donna while in the Pittsburgh area.  It is even alleged that Donna is what
seminarians called him.   In fact, insiders of the Washington archdiocese have
been witnessed calling him Wuerl the Girl.

Now, Wuerl carrying an effeminate demeanor off camera, with stereotypical
effeminate mannerisms, was alleged by more than one person.  For example,
in a church basement, when only church volunteers were in the kitchen, Wuerl
was allegedly seen acting like the stereotypical "flaming fairy" all of a sudden.
The phrase used was "acting girly."

And he is very short, even though he finagles camera shots to make him look
much taller than he is.  Heightwise, he came up to my chest, at best.  Plus, the
Washington Post called him a sleight man, in describing how surprisingly tiny
he is, when comparing the reality of meeting him in person with the fabricated
photo ops which included him standing on a step that was hidden behind a
limo, while he shook hands with people on ground-level.

Biennial Soirees for the Rich and Influential

While he was the bishop of Pittsburgh, Wuerl would hold a soireƩ at his Warwick
Terrace manor house twice a year, where he would play host to the influential and
wealthy.  Seminarians & deacons would dress in green/blue blazers, park the cars
of the influential guests and also serve them hors d'oeuvres.  This means that Wuerl
had men dedicated to the service of God play the role of secular valets and waiters.
It was very worldly, to say the least.  None the less, Wuerl would meet the
influential people at the door, himself.  He would play the role of porter ...
... the door man.  He absolutely needed their protection, to get him through
all of his corruption.  He was in need of accomplices.

The biennial Warwick Terrace event was surmised/presumed as having been
Wuerl's way of getting the rich and powerful to protect him in every aspect of
life.  I personally witnessed how protected Wuerl was when Father Torquato's
accuser and I attempted to file Summary Offense charges against Wuerl and
Torquato.  Shortly after, we found ourselves caught in the midst of the second
wave of the Torquato Retaliations.


According to Fr. Sotak's accuser, Wuerl would give inordinate attention to the
rich and powerful, while treating the common citizen with dismissive elitist con-
tempt.  That is to say, Wuerl cow-towed to the powerful of society.  I personal-
ly witnessed this haughty elitist contemptuousness.  While it was occurring, Wuerl
resembled a certain theater major at a college I attended.  The theater major, as
tiny as Donald Wuerl, was found to have been engaged in an affair with a certain
lieutenant governor's son ... NOT of the State of Pennsylvania, though.

David Zubik (present bishop of Pittsburgh) was involved in the case, and the
credible accuser/seminarian/deacon alleged that Zubik expressly told him that
he regarded both "the assailed victim and the {predatory} priest as victims."

The credible accuser mentioned that a John Sweeney told him that he "better
not tell anyone" about his accusations against the priest in question or the
diocese in general.

The Sandusky revelations seems to have given a number of abuse victims a
sense of freedom in the State of Pennsylvania.  The sense of intimidation im-
posed upon Pennsylvania victims/accusers departed like wheat chaff in a
wind storm, as soon as the Penn State Scandal came to the fore.

Concerning the other two bishops, keep in mind that Vincent Leonard and
Anthony Bevilacqua provided the credible accuser with zero interference.
He was only in emotional turmoil during Wuerl's tenure.  He only left the
ministry, on account of Wuerl's administrators.  There was no other reason.