October 12, 2024

PA Grand Jury Report: Pontillo was 100% CORRECT in stating that there was NO 1978 ARREST and no 1978 post-arrest retaliation in Cipolla Case

Wuerl should have been stopped long ago.
Let us review:

The Anthony Cipolla case was presented to the public by the Pittsburgh
Post Gazette and even by Mrs. Randy Engel in ridiculously harrowing
narrations.  Both Engel & the Post Gazette detailed an "arrest" of An-
thony Cipolla by two detectives, followed by a forceful retaliation
against the accusing mom and family.  They both described a Tom
Cruz movie, short of Ninja assassinations exiting black helicopters.

There was even the claim that the accusing mother (Diane Thompson)
and family had to take immediate flight into Cleveland in 1978.  How-
ever, there were located records of small-cash lawsuits against a person
named Diane Thompson who ever-so-coincidentally lived in the same
geographic hub in the 1980s.  Coincidence or was it the same person?

Well, I went into detail, showing you, the public, how there was NO
indictment and NO arrest of Cipolla.  I then showed you how there
was NO post-arrest retaliation of any kind.  I showed you how all
of the allegations of Diane Thompson-Magnum were lies, contrary
to the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, in as far as con-
cerned all of her Arrest & Post-Arrest Retaliation Narrations.

NOW . . .

I also repeatedly stated that I would be more than willing to declare
Anthony Cipolla a molester, IF someone would show me the evi-
dence thereof.  It was the narration of the Cipolla arrest and the
ensuing retaliation narration which I said was a fraud.

Of course, I was 100% correct.  Thus, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
(in its Oct 13, 1995 edition), Ann Rodgers-Melnick, the accusing
mother herself, and Mrs. Randy Engel (in 2016) who put me on a
wild goose chase, proving that the arrest & retaliation saga was a
a complete falsehood.  Meanwhile, I and the rest of the public were
deprived of the evidence which was used in the recent Pennsylvania
Grand Jury Investigation, in the Cipolla Case, namely the Pittsburgh
diocesan Secret Archive files.

In the Cipolla Case, the star of the show which finally showed an
element of credibility was ONE SHEET OF PAPER mentioning
the existence of a lubricant in a young man's undergarment.  This
is the case-closer, if the lubricant was not planted there by the ac-
cusing mom, in order to frame Anthony Cipolla.  Even at that,
there instantly becomes cause to look further into the evidence
and possibly close the case.  This evidence was deprived of the 
public.  It was in a secret file.  I thought that this was America?

The First Axiom:

It's the cases that allege the dime-a-dozen, commonly experienced
acts of an abusive priest and a cover-up diocese which carries the
credibility --- NOT a hyper-exaggerated Tom Cruz movie plot.

PLUS:  Are you aware of how many people have been convicted,
because they left behind a sales slip, a business card, a cigarette
butt (for DNA purposes), etc?  It's not the exaggerations that
get the attention, it's the subliminal things that close cases.

Also remember that, for seven years (from 2006 - 2013), I declared
Cipolla guilty.  Then, I was advised to fact check all accusations.
When I fact-checked the allegations of the Arrest & Post-arrest
retaliation, all facets of it were falsehoods, except one, and that
one allegation was presently in a false light.

Now remember, it's the subtle things that attract an investigator's
attention.  Lying as Diane Thompson-Mangum did about an ar-
rest & retaliation that never happened destroys all of your credi-

In addition, the Grand Jury Inquest should have occurred in the
Year 2000 or at least 2002.  But of course, Wuerl was grand-
standing, and Ann Rodgers was deceiving people in thinking
that Wuerl was as holy as St John the Baptist, when Wuerl
was nothing but a cover-up artisit, retaliator, and liar.  We
shouldn't have had to have waited until 2018.

Culpability goes to Pgh Post Gazette and Wuerl for this 
exaggerated narration of arrest & near-death retaliation

At this point, keep in mind that ANN RODGERS was an accom-
plice in Donald Wuerl's World of cover-up and retaliation.  She
was NOT a news reporter.  She was a propagandist.  She made
Wuerl out to be the great hero of the ages.  So, she accommodat-
ed ridiculous exaggerations.  The sublime evidence, if authentic,
is enough to light the sirens & alarms in an investigator's mind.

Culture of Cover-up

Then, as to further give circumstantial evidence to the Culture of
Cover-up in the Pittsburgh Diocese, Protestant Ann Rodgers was
appointed to be the Communications Director of the Roman Rite
Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh.  The conjectured reason was that
she knew all the cover-ups and was willing to be complicit in
them.  So, she was hired ... it is conjectured and it is plausible.

Take NOTE:  Ann Rodgers DID know about Torquato and kept his
thoroughly vicious retaliations a secret.  And remember, Torquato
immediately cut off 100% of the diocesan business accounts that
the uncle of Torquato's evidence-based accuser had with the dio-
cese.  Plus, Torquato tried to frame his accuser of a crime that
was impossible to have occurred, because it was reported as
having happened while Torquato's accuser was at work, in a
job that comprised multiple time check-ins per day.

Torquato also provoked the midnight call and ensuing unfriendly
apartment visit by two upset gentlemen who caused me to pay
my landlord for the moderate damages that they caused.  And
always remember, I REFUSED to file any private criminal com-
plaint against those two gentlemen, and I REFUSED to sue them,
because they were being intimidated by Torquato to do what they
attempted to do.  It was Torquato's fault and Wuerl's fault; not

For the record, they attempted to get their hands on the James
Torquato evidence and to get Torquato's accuser to retract his
accusations against Torquato.  I still have the evidence in Pitts-
burgh, and Torquato's accuser NEVER retracted his accusations.

In the Torquato Retaliations, a Father Edward Burns was there,
being that he was in charge of the investigation thereof.   Well,
everytime I would send a communication to the diocese, a re-
taliation ensued.  The only person betraying my communica-
tion to Burns and a guy named Ruggerio was someone in the
office of Burns.  Well, this Father Edward Burns became
BISHOP EDWARD BURNS.  It were as if he were re-
warded for helping Torquato in his retaliations.

Concerning the Blatantly False Cipolla Arrest & Retaliation

I blame this all on Donald Wuerl.  He knew that there was no re-
taliation against the 1978 accusing mother.  There was only the
standard attorney intervention.  Thus, Wuerl had the obligation
to call the Pgh Post Gazette management and let it be known
that the narration of the Arrest & Retaliation that never was
never happened.

Concerning the Hell I endured via Torquato

I blame it entirely on Ann Rodgers. This is because she deceived
me into thinking that Wuerl would be fair with Torquato's accus-
er.   He was the opposite.  In fact, Wuerl was conveniently absent
throughout the entire time thereof.  It were as if there were no
bishop of Pittsburgh; only Torquato's thuggery.

Let's Review:

Rodgers wrote of Wuerl being a zero-tolerance super hero, while
Wuerl was paying homosexual priest George Zirwas to keep silent
about priests whom Zirwas claimed were criminals.

Rodgers was also making Wuerl look like the next Captain America,
while he was covering up Edward Huff.

Then there was the matter of there having been no known action taken
against Br. Ghastin, Br. Hartmann, Fr. LeDoux, and John Wellinger.

Next comes accused Father Ernest Paone.  Wuerl greenlighted Paone's
transfer to the West Coast, namely Los Angeles and Las Vegas.  For
the record, Paone was in Las Vegas in 1992, for only a month.  None
the less, the Donald Wuerl who was said to be a zero-tolerance hero
was transferring accused priests across State lines.

It was Ann Rodgers who mislead the public into believing that the
cover-up artist, Donald Wuerl, was a Zero Tolerance Super Hero.

Concerning Rodgers' legacy of canoniing Donald Wuerl,  know
that the Archdiocese of Washington DC disconnected a Donald-
Wuerl-Zero-Tolerance-Hero website from the Internet.  People
in DC now recognize Wuerl as a disgrace.

However, David Zubik, the Useful Idiot of molester John S Hoehl
does NOT show any intent to remove Wuerl's name from Donald
Wuerl High School.

And remember, the Pennsylvania Grand Jury reported that Donald
Wuerl was paying-off George Zirwas, for Zirwas' silence, since the
Year 1995.  Well, 1995 was the year when Wuerl was being parad-
ed around as the heroic zero tolerance bishop, concerning the An-
thony Cipolla Case which was not presented in its true form, until
2018.  It was presented in a Comic Book version, until then.

If it were not for Ann Rodgers misleading the public into thinking
that Wuerl was a caring and protective bishop, I would have told
Torquato's evidence-based accuser, to shut-up, keep his distance,
and move-on.

I went through total Hell, at the hands of Ann Rodgers' lying propa-
ganda.  She had the duty to warn the public about Wuerl, instead of
deceiving us into thinking that walking into the World of Wuerl was
not going to be the act of walking into the wolves' lair.  When Tor-
quato's accuser and I walked into Wuerl's World, we were attacked
from all angles.

Back to the 1978 Accuser of Cipolla

Some other Thompson assertions were unlikely, and other things were
ridiculous frauds, such as the accusing mother's claim that Anthony Ci-
polla had sores all over his body.  She exaggerated to the point of losing
all of her credibility.

In as much, the PA Grand Jury concurred with Patrick Anthony Pontillo,
proving him to have been 100% correct in him having stated that none
of the overly theatrical arrest and post-arrest retaliations ever occurred.

The grand jury report described a civilized (and perhaps snakelike) crew
of lawyers, playing the predictable game of undue influence, convincing
the accusing mother to let others take care of the Cipolla Case.  The past
allegations of this Diane Thompson-Mangum were much more different
and much more horrifying than her much more tame 2017 grand jury
testimony.  None the less . . .

In review, the true 1978 Cipolla Case was the dime-a-dozen case where
the accusing parent is NOT confronted with clubs and knives.  No tires
get slit.  No windows get smashed.  Lawyers do the talking in a civiliz-
ed tone (and sometimes intimidating tone) of voice, and convince the
parents to let the more educated lawyers take care of the problem.

It was the stereotypical non-violent lawyer swindle.  Plus, the info need-
ed to prove the Cipolla Case was locked away in a secret archive.  So,
if Thompson did not tell her bogus arrest-&-retaliation horror story, we
would have all assumed that Cipolla was as guilty as sin, all along.

In fact, take note:

Diane Thompson was too proud to admit that she was tricked into look-
ing like a jackass in 1978 --- this is IF IF IF the lubricant report really
does exist, and therefore, is valid evidence.  Her very fraudulent retali-
ation horror story was a simple matter of silly human pride.  She was
covering up her feeling of being a disgracefully negligent mom or a
dupe of the diocese.  Well, no one here is wasting our time judging if
she were negligent or not in 1978.  God forgives ... in a confessional.
Tell her to move on.  She is not our goal.  The goal is this:


And yes, he may have a handsome diocesan pension for survival purposes.

SODANO GONE!!!!!!!!!

KASPER GONE!!!!!!!!!

DOLAN GONE!!!!!!!!!

This Diane Thompson-Mangum cost me a lot, in my having to consume
untold amounts of volunteer time, in proving to you how much of a liar
she was, and how much of a dupe Randy Engel was, in the Arrest & Re-
taliation Fiction.

Moreover, this Diane Thompson cost you, because, if she pursued the
Cipolla Case, she would have set a decisive precedent and would have
made Bevilacqua & Wuerl fear to cover-up the criminals  they covered.

Think:  If Diane Thompson didn't  walk away from her private criminal
complaint against Cipolla, then 1) Whip & Chains Zula instantly gone,
2) Wuerl Classmate Wolk gone in a flash,  3) Pucci gone and not allowed
to stay on the diocesan payroll, working as a chaplain,

4) John Hoehl turned over to law enforcement authorities and not given
an escape route to West Virginia, 5) Zirwas outed and not reinstated by
Wuerl in 1995, and then payed by the diocese until his sudden tranquil-
izer death of 2001,  6) Torquato gone and NOT made the pastor of the
Rankin parish,

7) Wellinger instantly investigated instead of given a free pass by Father
Ron Lengwin, 8) Huff gone, and no trips to St. Louis, and no reinstate-
ment into hospital chaplain ministry.  9) No cover-up of the Serra Cath-
olic Adam Ference Shooting which I stated in 2009 involved Brother
Ghastin from Massachusetts.

Wuerl would have been too afraid to perform the cover-ups he did, if
Diane Thompson-Mangum would have simply said, "No," in 1978.
No one held a gun to her head.

One can say that she was alone and had no advisors.  True.  The fault ulti-
mately goes to the attorneys and Vincent Leonard, IF the lubricant finding
were not planted by Diane Thompson-Mangum, to frame Cipolla.

No matter what be the case, she had no right to fabricate a harrowing tale
of an arrest which never occurred and slit tires and smashed windows and
tears in her eyes at DA Bob Colville's office, etc.  Remember, they gave
her her hearing time.  They scheduled her in.  All that she had to do was
show up.  She didn't.  So, she made up an elaborate and bogus excuse as
to why she didn't.  None the less, she could have been an icon for the en-
tire priest-accountability movement, if she didn't withdraw her private
criminal complaint.
Where there is profanation of the sacred there is Donald Wuerl
At trial, she only needed to follow the following rule:  Keep it Simple.
Case Closed.

And as far as went legal fees, she could have gone to a woman's protec-
tion organization and got a fund raising program started.  Civil court
costs a lot.  Criminal Court, when performing ye olde private criminal
complaint prosecution, is affordable for people in the middle class.

Diane Thompson also made Randy Engel look like her Useful Idiot and
a total jackass who can't tell when a crew of liars are performing a con
job on her.  Thus, Engel's credibility is gone.  Her writings are those of
a smugly self-righteous & overly conspiratorial nature, anyway.  If fact,
her writings are vulgar and pornographic trash.

I do NOT want to read about Cardinal This Guy and Bishop That Guy
having sex.  I don't want to have sex with men.  Therefore, I do NOT
want to read about men having sex.  Reading Randy Engel literally
makes you lose your appetite for 5 to 16 hours.  Plus, Engel is easy
to deceive.

Engel's report on the arrest and retaliation which never occurred destroys
the credibility of ever other Engel article.  Of course, in claiming that the
very Irish Catholic Michael Voris is an Opus Dei member, alone, shows
that Engel has a great problem with being in touch with reality.

Now, this Diane Thompson-Mangum publicly declared that I was An-
thony Cipolla in disguise, operating a child molestation ring.  She then
stated that I was stalking her, even though I was 1,200 miles away in
Chicago, and even though the woman grosses me out so badly I would
not be able to endure her presence.  She is the one stalking me, calling
everyone she can, to get me and my writings away from your sight.

It's all because she was a negligent mom and because she doesn't realize
that we don't care.  Tell her that God does for give sins and to move on ...
... move on after making restitution for any thefts or lies.  That's the rule
for everyone.  Tell her to go to confession and to leave me alone for all

I even received a phone call from Florida on the day of the Grand Jury
Report release, telling me that it's a crime to do what I did, and to be
prepared.  I am only ready to pursue a private criminal complaint and
file an $250,000 lawsuit against Mangum and accomplices, for harass-
ment and defamation.  That which I did was tell the public the truth in
the FREEDOM of the PRESS nation of the United States of America.
People died for my right to show how much of a liar Diane Thompson
is.  After all, she and Bendig became "partial" public figures, and
Times v. Sullivan takes effect in such cases.  Opinions against pub-
lic figures is NOT actionable or criminal in the United States; only
crying "fire!" in a crowded theater is.

Now, if I write an untruth, you write and say, "I need to point out that
such and such is not correct."  "This and that is the truth of the matter,
and my evidence is a, b, and c."  Thompson-Mangum didn't do this.
She instantly attacked and attacked and attacked and attacked.  Of
course, there was only one thing wrong that I wrote which had to do
with a hearing date, and I discovered it myself; not her.  I amended
the post on my own accord.

I can pursue my private criminal complaint against her (for harassing
& defaming me for three years) and the individual who recently joined
in the harassment.  I am going out of my way being merciful.  All that
this Diane Thompson-Mangum has to do is DELETE all ten blogs
dedicated to defaming me and delete all other defamation.  She is a
proven liar.  But, I do NOT want to spend my time on her.  I want to
spend it on taking Wuerl completely out of power.  He's beyond evil.

Once again, the weight of the Cipolla report was NOT NOT NOT
based on Diane Thompson's completely false horror tale told to the
Pittsburgh Post Gazette and to Useful Idiot First Class, Rand Engel.

It was based on Pgh Diocesan archive files and the reports of two in-
vestigators who were NOT Mark Nehouser, Badge #46.  It was based
on hidden material to which I and everyone else was deprived, short
of the search warrant.


The huge problem with this 1978 case is that the Allegheny County
DA could have filed charges against Cipolla, without any input from
the accusing mother.  He could have done so, on his own.

In fact, a police officer could have arrested Cipolla and then presented
due cause for arrest before a judge, thereby getting the judge to "sign-
off" on the "police criminal complaint," and instantly put Cipolla in the
criminal court system.  It was NOT done.

All in all, if the evidence against Cipolla were so compelling, then why
did not Bob Colville file charges against him?  Was it because it took
time for the lab tests to come back, and Colville couldn't do anything
until he saw the lab results?  Or was the lubricant observed via eye,
by an attending physician, and didn't carry much courtroom weight?
Was the inaction the act of corrupt complicity?

Pittsburgh during the Holidays.
Now, I explained to the public that the 1978 Cipolla case involved the filing
of a private criminal complaint.  I also explained that the1963 PA law which
prescribed the private criminal complaint process was the result of the 1963
US Supreme Court decision in Buttons v NAACP.

In review, the private criminal complaint form filled out by the accusing
mother was the act of her petitioning the Court to "issue process" on the
named defendant, Anthony Cipolla.  It was NOT an arrest report.  It was
not the filing of charges.  It was Step One.  Then, she declined to go to the
next step, for whatever reason, none of which was due to any slit auto tires.

In Review:

The 2018 PA Grand Jury Report did NOT NOT NOT exonerate the accus-
er of Anthony Cipolla, Diane Thompson-Mangum.  Rather, it proved that,
for the last 23 years, she has been LYING to the public, through & through.

This is BECAUSE her 2017 story told to the grand jury was much differ-
ent than the 1995 horror story that she told to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
It was much more different than the super horror story she wrote in one
of her TEN cyber-bully weblogs which resulted in authorities deleting
post after post from those weblogs.

The 2017 testimony was also different from the story that Diane Thompson-
Mangum told to Mrs Randy Engel who turned out to be Diane Thompson's
useful idiot, in the many non-facts written into Engel's made-for-TV drama.
Pittsburgh, near the famous Three-Rivers Confluence.
NOW, I also stated that:

1) the accusing mother's claim of Cipolla being plagued with sores through-
out his body was a complete lie.  Pontillo Correct.

and that:

2) Frank Labiaux (her eldest son) did NOT vandalize any Northside church
or chapel with fire extinguishers, being that that act of vandalism happened
the year prior by two delinquents who ended-up slitting all of the tires in the
parking lot of the same church, a year or two later.

The claim was that the fire extinguisher vandalism was done by Frank, out
of frustration for having been molested.  That was an outright lie.  The two
delinquents were apparently hateful juvenile racists, being that the victim
church was the Black Methodist church in town.  In fact, the newspapers
at the time tried to downplay the racial animosity factor, after the mass
tire-slashing incident.

3) I additionally stated that the accusing mother lied (or was forgetful) in
saying that her deposition was video-taped, when a stenographer of record
was on the front page of the deposition.  And to this day, there does NOT
exist that deposition online.  Why can't we read it?

4) I furthermore stated that a child care veteran said that that which the
accusing mom told Randy Engel what Cipolla did to her son Tucker was
anatomically unlikely.  I also located a witness who went to Michigan with
Tim Bendig and Cipolla and who said that Cipolla did nothing of a sexual
nature to either one of them.

5) I also stated that Diane Thompson lied when she said that Tucker was
sitting at the kitchen table, doing his homework, when Cipolla allegedly
showed up at the door.  This is because the day was July 30 and there is
NO SCHOOL in 1978 Pittsburgh in late July, including summer school.

However, this kitchen visit was alleged from 1995 to 2016 under the claim
that Cipolla was indicted and out on bond.  Well, the PA Grand Jury affirm-
ed that was no arrest, and therefore, no bail agreement.  Thus, it is now pos-
sible that Cipolla did show up at the apartment, being that he was not yet
indicted .... not yet arrested ... not yet arraigned.  If Cipolla would have
shown-up there, after having been indicted, he would have violated the
conditions of his bond, and he would have been sent straight to a magi-
strate and then to County Jail.

6) I also stated that the accusing mom lied when she said that there was
a Vietnam era military training camp in Spartansburg, where her alleged
second husband was injured.  Firstly, Camp Croft was a Prisoner of War
camp, and it closed in 1947.

7) I then stated that there did NOT exist a Detective Mark Nehouser,
Badge #46, who put handcuffs around Cipolla and then took him to the
police station.  Rather, there was a uniformed officer, Mark Ninehouser,
Badge #46, who went to the accusing mother's residence, took her state-
ment, and then transposed it on a police form via handprinting, and NOT
cursive handwriting.

I additionally stated that the alleged photo of "the police arrest report" that
was online was a fraud, being that it was written in cursive handwriting,
and the handwriting was wide-looped feminine cursive writing.  All
Pittsburgh police reports, by policy, were to be hand-printed only.

* * * * * * * * * *
8)  More than anything else, I stated that I would be more than willing to
declare Cipolla a molester IF and only if someone would give me evidence
showing this to be the probable case.  I repeatedly stated this, while stating
that Diane Thompson-Mangum completely lied about Cipolla, in as far as
concerned her narration of the arrest and post-arrest retaliation which never

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Bingo for Patrick Anthony Pontillo on that detailed assessment.  In as much,
suing me would be an act of vexatious litigation.  Doing worse would be a
malicious prosecution and a handsome litigation award thereafter.  At this
point, I am not going to lay down and be steamrolled by a cyber-bully who
constructed TEN weblogs dedicated to assassinating my character. This is
especially so, being that I was proven correct by the same grand jury, in all
that I wrote about all other priests mentioned at the Wuerl-of-Hurt site.

I suffered far too much for the cause, where I got paid zero dollars and zero
cents for all of my volunteer work.  Wuerl, Torquato, & Ann Rodgers, alone,
caused me untold suffering.  Plus, Diane Thompson-Mangum defamed me
so hideously, that she asserted that I was Cipolla in disguise, operating a
child molester protection ring.   I'm a construction worker.  You know
the stereotype of the construction worker.  You know, guys who whistle
at the ladies ... and not little children.  But, the truth of the construction
worker is that such a person is instinctive protective of others not as
physically strong.

The outrage of that one lie is that this site of mine EXPOSED MOLESTER
AFTER MOLESTER.  I did the OPPOSITE of run a molester protection
ring.  I simply discovered that the Cipolla case was being presented in a
false light ... until the 2018 presentation of it.

All in all, Wuerl used the Cipolla Case to hide his cover-ups from South-
west PA DA John C. Pettit.  After all, there was Huff, Hoehl, Paone, etc,
in addition to the uncovered cover-up of Wolk, Zula, and Pucci.  Wuerl
used the Cipolla case to GRANDSTAND and promote himself for high
office, also.  That was unconscionable.

© Patrick Anthony Pontillo.  Please ask before using my photos.
Of course, this is the same Wuerl who, in 1979, deceived the press into
thinking that he single-handedly wrote the Teachings of Christ.  He de-
ceived the press by stating something similar to, "When you start writ-
ing, you just can't bring yourself to stop."  So, Wuerl made it sound
as if he went on a writing spree and ended up writing an entire cate-
chism book.

For the record, Wuerl was one of the THREE editors of that catechism
book.  That book had many writers.  The editorial task was to bring
writing style cohesion to the text, being that the many writers had
different writing styles.

Bendig is a noted liar

None the less, Tim Bendig still lied to me four times in a row, and
a number of people conveyed to me that Bendig is a perpetual liar.
ONe person said that "Bendig lies 90% of the time."

In fact, the late WBVP radio talk show host, John Nuzzo (who ev-
en interviewed Malachi Martin,) told me that he was in Bendig's
Two Step Lounge, watching Bendig brag about how gullible was
the Diocese of Pittsburgh, in giving him a six-figure settlement.

The fact that Bendig used the settlement money to buy the bar, and
not use it for intense psychiatric treatment, proved him to be a liar.
He told the press that he now had the chance to go through intense
therapy.  His idea of therapy was that of buying a bar & grill.

This is according to a dead man who died in 2008.  Thus, it is per-
mitted as testimony in any American court, due to the hearsay law

There is more about Bendig that shows him to be a con artist.  How-
ever, I have to keep things confidential.  None the less, I wish that the
person holding the confidential information would please come forth.

Sunset Fire Cloud
I was informed that I would be allowed to talk to Frank & Tucker,
the sons of the accusing mom.  I was promised this long ago, short-
ly before the authorities removed yet more of the accusing mom's
harassment and defamation of me.

I was also informed that a law firm would vett Randy Engel's very
non-factual article (parts 1 & 2 of  3 the parts were non-factual) and
that the law firm would get in touch with me and make a demand.
Well, I was never invited to interview Frank or Tucker, and no law
firm sent me any communication --- that I know of.

My entire statement about the Cipolla Case, in reference to the PA
Grand Jury Report, is this:

Why .... WHY did no one send me a copy of this alleged or factual report
which stated that Tucker had lubricant in his undergarment?  Why were
there not any certifications provided, showing that the report was valid,
being that Diane Thompson could have planted the lubricant in her son's
undergarment herself, for all that we know.

If someone would have sent me that medical report, and if it were authen-
ticated, then I would have thrown my hands up in the air and said, "Okay.
That's all.  I'm done.  I don't have time to pursue this case.  I have other
things to do."

None the less, Diane Thompson-Mangum-Labiaux lied so many times
that her lies utterly defamed even the Pennsylvania law enforcement
agency-bureau and the then-DA of Allegheny County, Bob Colville.

All of her lies about me and her intimidation of me was a waste of her
time.  All that anyone had to do was send me the alleged or actual med-
ical report of lubrication being on Tucker's undergarment.  She ran me
around with lie after lie after lie.  The defense against her attempt to
sue me or to have me prosecuted is known as

                           CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE.

She never had anyone send me that medical report.  She caused a lot
of damage and destroyed her credibility.   Wuerl simply used her for
his rise to power.  The question is:  Is there an authentic report in
existence which states this lubricant finding?  Can the public see it?

Concerning Diane Thompson-Mangum's lies, she also:

1) stated, as was previously mentioned, that I was Anthony Cipolla
in disguise, operating a child molester protection ring.  Shortly there-
after, Cipolla died, and posts kept being placed on this Wuerl-of-Hurt
site, proving that she lied to you.  Dead men don't publish posts on
the Internet . . . usually.

Concerning Thompson-Mangum, she furthermore:

2) stated that I was a grifter, making money off of my internet post-
ings.  The fact is that I never made a penny off of my internet sites.
Proof was that I had NO paypal box and no donation box of any
kind.  All that ever happened was that one person gave me a $100
tip in a time of need, in gratitude for my exposing Wuerl.

MOREOVER, that which I wrote about Wuerl, Wolk, Zula, Pucci,
Ghastin, Hartmann, LeDoux, Zirwas, Wellinger, Hoehl, Torquato, etc
was right-on true.

In continuing, the Cipolla accuser-mom also:

3) stated that I was stalking her, when I was 1,200 miles away from her
in Chicago.

4) stated that I had a violent temper, when I have the security clearances
proving the possession of a civilized person, along with my history go-
ing through super intense disciplines which require a lot of patience.
However, she stated this, to explain why she kept mocking me with
ethnic slurs about my ancestors who lived in the Mount Vesuvius
region of Italy.

She also:

5) stated that I lived in a "trailer court", when I lived amongst many a
swan and a few fountains and lots of lots of golf carts, within the sound
of the Atlantic Ocean for SEVEN years.

For the record, I was a private academy student in a country club family.
My dad was a fully decorated Air Force combat vet and Chief Product
Supervisor of Engineers, in a Pittsburgh Steel Company's research de-

Thompson-Mangum wants to you believe that I am white trash.  Those
of you who know me know that I was published along laureates, includ-
ing a couple national book award winners.  You know that I was induct-
ed into the Phi Sigma Iota Language Honors Society and the Internation-
al High IQ Society, and that I was taught by one of JFK's economic
advisors, even to the point of imitating his accent, saying "Can you
tell me why?"  Yes, he was Professor Can-You-Tell-Me-Why.

Thompson-Mangum also:

6) stated that I am a "drama queen," as if I am a limp wristed & effem-
inate priss.  Uhhhm, I am a Chicago & Pittsburgh construction worker
who worked in -30F wind chills, 97F heat, and in sleet, snow, etc.  This
work was done by me even after having been crushed between a couple
2,430 lb steel beams, so done while I was working on a Mercedes flat
bed truck.

I can assure you that queens do NOT find my world of construction
glamorous enough for them.  If you can find an effeminately flaming
prissy construction worker, you should call Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

Furthermore, the same woman also:

7) stated that, after Cipolla died, I was feigning emotional pain.  Oh,
I wasn't faking anything that day.  That day, I wanted to be left alone.

7) stated that Donald Wuerl would be the next pope.  Uhhhhhm, this
is highly unlikely after the PA Clergy Abuse Grand Jury Report, espe-
cially due to the report of Zirwas & Paone.  Those two were enough
to end Wuerl's career in complete and total disgrace.

Mike Aquilina & Rocco Palmo, Praisers of Donald Wuerl; the end.

In as much, all of you who praised Wuerl, such as you, MR. MIKE
AQUILINA and you, ROCCO PALMO, you will fade away.  I told
the public shortly before August 14, 2018 that it's time to choose
sides.  Aquilina and Palmo picked the wrong side.  You two should
have known to choose the side of the fellow Italian and NOT the
thoroughly corrupt German, Donald Wuerl.  Well, have a nice
change of profession.

The 1978 Accuser

The woman has been nothing but a brawler and a liar, even into the
year when Cipolla died from a heart attack, namely 2016.  Concern-
ing the Cipolla report, all that anyone had to do was send me one
sheet of paper, with a certification note, detailing the lubricant-in-
the-underwear report.  Why was I toyed-with so much?  Why was I
 denied that one sheet of evidence, if it is authentic?

Moreover, keep in mind that I kept in contact with Cipolla, waiting for
him to finally confess wrongdoing.  Then came the documentary evi-
dence where Cipolla was only reviewed at the Vatican for the diagno-
sis of Depression and Suicidal Tendencies, and NOT molestation.

Next came the Tim Bendig phone-call to me, where he lied to me four
times in a row.  I knew that Bendig was a con artist then-and-there.

Part of my Florida photo shoot, several years ago.
None the less, the things that I did affirm about the Cipolla case were
all true.  What you always need to remember is that I kept stating that
I would be more than willing to declare Cipolla a molester, if and only
if someone would produce the evidence pointing to his guilt.

I understand that the Melbourne woman is going to do everything to get
me criminally indicted, prosecuted, and imprisoned in Florida for what
I wrote about her and the Cipolla Case.  Everything that I wrote was true,
with that one caveat about me being willing to declare Cipolla a molester
upon the examination of evidence I have not yet been shown ... and maybe
after I speak with Tucker & Frank, while testing them for contradictions.

All in all, two parts of the three-part Randy Engel article was contrary to
that which the PA Grand Jury stated.  Engel's writings turned out to be as
false as I said they were.  The 1978 Cipolla Case transpirations were far
far more civilized than what the accusing mother, Randy Engel, and the
Pittsburgh Post Gazette made them out to be.  Remember, those theatri-
cal narrations defame then-DA Bob Colville.

Concerning the 1989 Beaver County DA, when the Bendig accusations
were investigated for three months, know that a woman, THERESA
FERRIS-DUKOVICH, was the DA and NOT Robert J. Masters.
Masters' tenure ended in 1967, and he admitted to covering up the
Father Ernest Paone whom Wuerl would eventually transfer to
the West Coast in 1991..

Concerning my assertion that there absolutely was no arrest and no
post-arrest retaliation and no Detective Mark Nehouser, I WAS 100%
correct.  Concerning this, I WILL defend myself to the death from
whatever attacks are coming to me.  Always remember the legal
phrase, CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE.  I do not appreciate
having been left out in the cold, concerning witness and evidence.

Also remember:

1) I was 100% correct about Torquato.

2) 100% correct about Wolk, Zula, Pucci, and Zirwas.

3) I was correct about LeDoux, in the limited amount of reporting
    of him that I did, and I was humble ENOUGH to NOT act as an
    expert in that case.

4) I was also correct about Ghastin, in the limited reporting of him
    that I did.

5)  Hartman's case was something that I reviewed in a very limited
     fashion, too.  The Australian press is the source for this case.

6) I was CORRECT about Edward Huff.

7)  I was CORRECT about John Hoehl, too.  In fact, I personally
     knew Hoehl, and I was there, at his table when he returned
     from the Ontario Clinic and stood up, to give his progress
     report.  Remember, in some of these case, I was there.

Etc, etc, etc.

Again, keep in mind how much this Diane Mangum-Thompson
lied about me in a public forum; TEN wegblogs mocking me, de-
faming me, etc.  Ten times I had to push the button which got the
defamatory and harassing texts offline.  The fact that her material
was deleted be the powers-that-be ten times shows the existence
of a liar, if not someone mentally unstable.

All that she had to do was write a civilized letter to me, stating that
there was a document allegedly in existence that would shed light
on her 1978 accusations.  But no.  She tore into me, at the first
unsolicited and unwelcome email that she sent to me.  That's a
sign of mental instability.  Now I see that it's guilt or embarrass-
ment for being duped by a crew of lawyers.  Well, she was out-

Of course, she knew that I knew that her arrest-and-retaliation soap
opera was a fiction, as was concurred by the PA Grandy Jury Report.
So, she created diversionary tactics, by publicly defaming me in her
ad hominid attacks.  Her writings were not a discussion of the case.
They were merely attacks against me.

All of this is the fault of Donald "grand-stander" Wuerl and the
overly dramatic Ann Rodgers.  As I previously stated, Rodgers
made Wuerl out to be Beowulf,  destroying the evil Grendel.
So, I had to intervene, to show you that this Wuerl was NOT
the heroic model of ZERO tolerance that Rodgers made him
out to be.  It wasn't until 12 years after I starting showing you
how evil Donald Wuerl is that the Sovereign State of Pennsyl-
vaia did so.  Thus, I was 12 years ahead of the Grand Jury.

I had to show you that Wuerl did NOT come to have a saintly
and stellar zero tolerance disposition, after this "1988 enlight-
ening dinner" with a family of molestation victims.  Proof was
that Wuerl continued to hide Wolk, Zula, and Pucci from law
enforcement authorities.

Then came the Torquato Retaliations which Wuerl ratified by
turning his back on the whole thing.  Those retaliations were
a living Hell, and I get no credit or compassion for having en-
dured them.  I could have abandoned Torquato's accuser at
that time.  But, I didn't.

The Pertinence of the Torquato Case

Keep in mind that the Torquato Case's importance is that Wuerl
personally trained and then ordained Torquato, meaning that
Torquato is the showcase model of Wuerl's style of priestly
formation.  Wuerl formed a vicious priest.

The other pertinence of the Torquato Case were the two stages
of retaliation and how Wuerl let the retaliations continue ... and
how much Wuerl let the damage that Torquato caused remain
unamended.  It were as if Wuerl himself were retaliating against
me & the evidence-based accuser's family, via his surrogate,
James Torquato.

Being that I was threatened on the very day of the Grand Jury
Report's release, know that I will defend myself and my work
like any lion.  I ask you, the public, to consider the intense
amount of suffering that Wuerl, Rodgers, Torquato, Mangum,
etc caused me to endure.  The suffering was tremendous, and
now it appears to be going to the next stage.

Best wishes from Chicago to all of you of Good Will.