The point to this post ultimately is that, if you hear or read a Wuerl Supporter
state that "nobody ever read that guy" (the Wuerlgate author), you'll know that
he/she is a liar, 29 times over. Wuerl People are incredibly immature & bratty.
Furthermore, a person who obviously had no idea that I was in the Million Hit
Club wrote to me and told me why no one wanted to view my posts . . . except
in over three million exceptions at the time. He then proceeded to submit for pub-
lication my own article, drastically edited by him so much so that it was no long-
er my article, but only his fabrication. He actually thought that he had a despotic
hold on me and could get me to do anything he told me. This is because I'm very
polite to callers and letter writers. It's just that we live in an era where kindness is
construed as weakness and animals who sense weakness pounce. They then find
out that saying, booo to you doesn't have the power they thought it had.
Like seagulls on a pier were the Wuerlgate articles on Google. |
To start, in June of 2014, the Wuerlgate articles captured the first THIRTY results pursuant to "did donald wuerl ever have a cover-up?"
The Pontillo sites capturing control of the first three Google search pages then
happened a second and third time. It happened on March 1, 2015, pursuant to
two different Wuerl-related keyword combinations. It then happened again,
on March 7. Then, it was March 22 when it happened yet again, pursuant to
the keywords, "donald wuerl sweatshops."
The Pontillo articles captured the first three pages of the Google search engine
results pages, pursuant to "donald wuerl sweatshop policy." Twenty-nine of
the first thirty search engine results of March 1 were all Pontillo
articles. The first 28 results were Wuerlgate articles that were written solo by
yours truly. The 29th result was an article that I wrote solo for my Lights of
Mary site.
The 30th Google result was the Case against Donald Wuerl article, written by
Chicago's Mike Volpe. The article mentions my name, ever so coincidentally,
in keeping with theme of the search engine results.
Next came the Google results for the keyword combination, "cardinal wuerl
retaliations," on the same March 1st day. Twenty-eight of the first thirty re-
sults were Pontillo website articles written by yours truly. In fact, twenty-
nine of the first thirty Google results were originally posted on my sites.
That is to say, the first 27 results are from the Wuerlgate site, all of which
were written solo by me. The 28th one was written solo by me and placed
on my Lights of Mary site. The 29th search engine result was the website
of a stranger, and the 30th Google result was a pirated article written by
Mike Ference and originally posted by me on the Wuerlgate site.
On March 7 & March 22, pursuant to the keywords, donald wuerl sweatshops,
29 of the first 30 results were Pontillo site articles written by yours truly. One
of the 29 was posted at the Lights of Mary site, and the other 28 were posted at
the Wuerlgate site. One of the 30 was Mike Volpe's article, The Case against
Cardinal Donald Wuerl.
The evidence of Pontillo website dominance is posted below in the form of
snapshots of the six search engine pages involved. All in all,
the Wuerlgate articles have so much exposure on the world's search engines
that the Vatican is either a collective horde of liars covering it up as much as
possible or else it's occupants are entirely out of touch with current events.
Plus, the dominance assures you that it's a complete falsehood to state that
nobody view my works. The following snapshot can dispel that notion,
more easily:
November 17, 2016 snapshot
459 followers|3,243,864 vie
Being that information flows into the Vatican from all directions, it can be
reasonably suspected that the occupants there have elected to deliberately
ignore the Wuerlgate evidence and let the damage caused by Wuerl remain
painfully in tact. This, of course, makes the ruling occupants at the Vatican
accomplices of Donald Wuerl, as if Wuerl is their master, telling them what
to do and what not to do.
Due to Cardinal Donald Wuerl and similar clerics, the Roman Catholic Church
has become a capsized ship in a bottle. Lawlessness presently remains the law
at the Vatican, in substitution for the Code of Canon Law which the Vatican's
present occupants apparently chose to ignore, along with the Wuerlgate subject
matter. It were as if the ruling occupants at the Vatican are rewarding Wuerl
for making the lives of others living Hells and shattered dreams.
Incidentally, Cardinal Wuerl's sweatshop policy has always been to ignore the
plight and blight of the exploited workers and never address it. This makes him
an accomplice to that particular crime against humanity, by means of his deliber-
ate indifference & complete negligence in the matter. He elected to let the pain
of those exploited workers remain in tact. In fact, he let those workers remain
abandoned by Western Civilization. Perhaps we should make Cardinal Wuerl
a sweatshop worker, being that he appears to be in complete agreement with
slave labor exploitation. He shouldn't mind to be what he likes to see remain
in tact.
Pursuant to donald wuerl sweatshops
About 891 results (0.17 seconds)
6 days ago - Wuerl only had a zero tolerance track record when it came to having ... personal secretary of Donald Wuerl, reassigned as pastor by Wuerl.
indictments and the reports of Donald Wuerl being uncooperative with law en- forcement officials rang out in the newspapers from Lewiston Maine to New
Mar 29, 2015 - Donald Wuerl and his administrators mistreated the credible ......repeated refusal to reach out and help end the sufferings of sweatshop
Mar 3, 2015 - that Donald Wuerl is a proven cover-up artist, with the cover-up ...Donald Wuerl is also a retaliator, even against the school children of the now-
and abusing his easy access to the press: The Way of Donald Wuerl. Observe how Cardinal Wuerl started his habit of deception through sleight of hand ...
Feb 5, 2015 - Well, Donald Wuerl is a native of Pittsburgh, and he had a gluttonous supply of honor be- stowed upon him there. Therefore, according to the ...
4 days ago - Donald Wuerl and his administrators mistreated the credible accuser of a certain priest whose name will be left anonymous, being that he is ...
Mar 12, 2013 - I don't know Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington, D.C., ..... America's cooperation with foreign sweatshop labor profiteering.
reasonably suspected that the occupants there have elected to deliberately
ignore the Wuerlgate evidence and let the damage caused by Wuerl remain
painfully in tact. This, of course, makes the ruling occupants at the Vatican
accomplices of Donald Wuerl, as if Wuerl is their master, telling them what
to do and what not to do.
Due to Cardinal Donald Wuerl and similar clerics, the Roman Catholic Church
has become a capsized ship in a bottle. Lawlessness presently remains the law
at the Vatican, in substitution for the Code of Canon Law which the Vatican's
present occupants apparently chose to ignore, along with the Wuerlgate subject
matter. It were as if the ruling occupants at the Vatican are rewarding Wuerl
for making the lives of others living Hells and shattered dreams.
Incidentally, Cardinal Wuerl's sweatshop policy has always been to ignore the
plight and blight of the exploited workers and never address it. This makes him
an accomplice to that particular crime against humanity, by means of his deliber-
ate indifference & complete negligence in the matter. He elected to let the pain
of those exploited workers remain in tact. In fact, he let those workers remain
abandoned by Western Civilization. Perhaps we should make Cardinal Wuerl
a sweatshop worker, being that he appears to be in complete agreement with
slave labor exploitation. He shouldn't mind to be what he likes to see remain
in tact.
Pursuant to donald wuerl sweatshops
About 891 results
The Wuerlgate Site - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
The teachings in Pope Francis - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
Faith without good works is a sick joke. - Cardinal Wuerl's ...
Wuerl's Other Scandal against the Faith - Cardinal Wuerl's ...
Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations, & Distortion of ...
February 2015 - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ...
Cardinal Wuerl in Review - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
, and ... to start an anti-sweatshop profiteering movement. The Maciel/Wuerl Connection - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
The first THIRTY Google search engine results were this ...
Pontillo articles thrice capture first three Google search ...
During the strive to make a Sodomite priesthood, Donald
January - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ...
EWTN Letter Acknowledged & Affirmed the Wuerl Files
SNAP's Complaints Against Donald Wuerl, Even Before He
The Father Edward Huff case - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
Cardinal Wuerl did NOT write the The Teachings of Christ ...
Wuerl's change-the-subject letter, to divert attention away
The leaked proof that Donald Wuerl had no evidence ...
Wuerl's violation of the Child Protective Services Act and his ...
Donald Wuerl: Silent personal secretary of a John Cardinal ...
- June 2014 - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ... Wuerlgate: Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations, & Distortion of Catholic ... former personal secretary of Donald Wuerl, reassigned as pastor by Wuerl.
According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, there was a fourth ...
Wuerl's triple cover-up was in the newspapers, from coast to ...
March 2015 - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ...
Wuerl's the Dissenter, not Burke, especially concerning ...
Sleight of Hand Deception - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
Donald Wuerl: Clone of the Scribes & Pharisees - Cardinal ...
Wuerl canonically trapped a credible whisteblower
The Case Against Cardinal Donald Wuerl - Voice from the ...
Pursuant to cardinal wuerl sweatshop policy
About 37,000 results
The teachings in Pope Francis' apostolic letter on ... without good works is a sick joke. - Cardinal Wuerl's ... Wuerlgate Site - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ... Wuerl in Review - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ... Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations, & Contrived ... charity organization that would have the status of a prelature went ignored, ... In re - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations, & Contrived ... Wuerl's cover-ups & abuse of power, w/ Jpegs of ... 2014 - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ... Maciel/Wuerl Connection - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
The Wuerlgate Site - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ...
Searches related to cardinal wuerl sweatshop policy
- Nov 22, 2014 - ment provoked by Wuerl's personnel, if not by Donald Wuerl himself, in an act of economic retaliation. Such a recording is permissible under ...
Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations, & Contrived ...'s violation of the Child Protective Services Act and his ... Destruction of One's Faith in Divine Providence January 2015 - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ...'s triple cover-up was in the newspapers, from coast to ... 2014 - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ... Wuerlgate Site - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups ... looks like Donald Wuerl North Catholic High Sch... 2015 - Cardinal Wuerl's Cover-ups, Retaliations ...
Pursuant to donald wuerl retaliations
About 1,720 results (0.46 seconds)
Wuerl's former personal secretary and retaliations permitted ...