June 15, 2024

The Day I called Cardinal Ratzinger's Office

It was during the days of landlines, and not cell phones.
A source once gave me the private telephone line of the former Hitler
Youth, Joseph Ratzinger.   So, I called the Vatican, only to hear on
the other end of the telephone the flaming homosexual voice of an
assistant stonewalling me.  It was a decrepit flaming homosexual
voice, incidentally.  This was enlightening.  It showed Ratzinger's
preference ... predilection ... partiality.

The person who picked-up the phone said that it was not possible
for me to speak with the cardinal who was covering up for interna-
tion molester Marcial Maciel Degollado, at the time.  Well, it was
very possible to have had Joseph Ratzinger walk over to the phone
and speak.

A sign of Ratzinger's corruption was that no one told me the procedure
to get a complaint in Ratzinger's hands.  He willfully committed negli-
gence, and when it involved something brutally important as a corrupt
bishop, the negligence was a mortal sin.  If the Ratzinger people were
not corrupt, I would have been connected with an underling who would
have told me what type of letter to write, along with telling me what
address to use.

The problem was that I already sent the letter with the evidence attached.
A media personality sent a package of evidence against Wuerl.  Ratzinger
would have nothing to do with any complaint against Wuerl.  

Ratzinger's butler proved that Ratzinger only wanted to appoint his kind,
in the spirit of Nazi German prejudice.  So, the notably effeminate Ger-
man Ratzinger appointed the notable effeminate Donald Wuerl to the
capitol of the nation that ripped Nazi Germany to utter shreds.

When Ratzinger appointed Wuerl to Washington DC, that was the closest
that the Nazis ever came to conquering the capital of the United States.

Let it be remembered that Hitler declared war on America, and not visa-
versa.  Predictably enough, Ratzinger never had time for anyone who
had a complaint against Wuerl, with evidence to back it.  Years later,
we would see Ratzinger be nothing more than the cronyism pope,
presiding during a time of corruption so extreme that it prompted
a butler to reveal it.  It later became Vatileaks.

Remember, when a person isn't openly communicating, he's hiding
something evil.  Ratzinger was a deceiver who presented himself as
the strict doctrinal watchdog.  He was no rottweiler of God.   True
watchdogs of God have mercy & compassion within them.  They
attempt to convert those who fell astray.  Ratzinger once wrote that
it would be better to have less Catholics ... literally.

He apparently was more than willing to usher in the Sodomites and
completely abandon everyone else.  Ratzinger did not care to protect
the laity from Maciel the molester, Wuerl the conniving power abuser,
or even Fr Kiesle of California.

In the end, Ratzinger made it all the way to the top, only to resign
in disgrace, amidst people bitterly offended by his willful negligence
and prejudicial favoritism.

Person after person sent documentation to Ratzinger, in complaint
of Donald Wuerl.  In turned out that doing so had the same effect
as chickens sending their complaints to the second fox in the coup.
Ratzinger protected two corrupt individuals who were associated
with each other.  One was Maciel and the other one was Wuerl.

A person who used to say that he was such a holy man, recently
referred to Ratzinger as the one who was thought to  be holy, but
who was a walking lie.  Even a Ratzinger fan turned against the
guy.  His memory will not be a fond one.

Wuerl's official Pittsburgh residence, from 1988 to 2006.
                                        Ratzinger protected Wuerl, just like he protected Maciel.