September 09, 2024

Take note of my security clearances and know that Diane Thompson-Mangum started the rumor about being the front of a molestation ring run by the deceased Anthony Cipolla in disguise.

When the laughing hyena is locked in the lion's jaws, it will finally be finished.
Wuerlgate condemns and exposes sexual abusers who were protected by Wuerl.
It does NOT protect them.  However, Wuerlgate also defends those who were
proven to have been falsely accused.  Quite frankly, the number of priest prov-
en to have been falsely accused was 1 ... uno ... un ... jeden ... один ... eins.

The result of having defended a priest who actually never was arrested, never 
charged, and never arraigned was that an accuser of that priest retaliated against 
me and wrote libel against me.  The writer/accuser is a 70+ year old super snide 
and rude woman who never met me.  So, she made up a number of lies about me.  

Now, if you have ample assets and if you had written those things, you and I would 
have sat across a deposition table, if not sitting next to each other's desk in a court-
room.  I would have made things financially hurt very badly for you.  

Her writings were then copied and posted on the blog of a mentally ill gentleman 
in New Hampshire and who was arrested for harassing Catholic League president, 
Bill Donohue, and who is officially on psychiatric disability status.

Ironically, that same mentally ill man stole all of my pertinent Wuerlgate writings 
and placed them on his blog.  So, I was a hero and a demon on the exact same blog.  
He post my stuff in direct violation of copyright law, being that I personally told 
him that I did NOT want him to post my work on his pirate site.

One package of evidence which blew the 70+ year old snide, retaliatory & false
witness out of the water was the eight security clearances I earned in my life,
thereby proving that I do NOT have a violent temper ... and that I actually do
exist.  This included my Pennsylvania Concealed Weapons License which 
is only granted to those with a history of being in complete control of their 
emotions.  It also included my FBI Clearance,  as well as my Pennsylvania 
Child Abuse History Background Check  Clearance, and my Pennsylvania 
Dept of Corrections Clearance, not to mention my Pennsylvania State Police 
Security Clearance, and my PA Dept of Insurance Clearance which was re-
quired by a certain insurance company and not the PA insurance industry per se.

The other piece of evidence was that I lived 1,200 miles away from her, when
I was stationed in Chicago ... and presently live 900 miles away from her in
Pittsburgh.  Thus, it was wrong of her to state that I was stalking her.  I want 
nothing to do with her.  She grosses me out.

The most important evidence is that the falsely accused priest has been dead for
seven years.  The importance consisted in the fact that the 70+ year old woman
publicly claimed that I did NOT exist, and that the priest she accused of moles-
tation was operating this site in my name, as well as operating a child molester
protection ring.

This presents a question:  How many of you actually thought that I was the ac-
cused priest, Anthony Cipolla, in disguise?

In addition, how many of you actually thought that I was running a child molester
protection ring, and also didn't know that I was in the construction industry as far 
back as 1992?

How many of you were not aware that my allergic asthma condition that gets so
threatening that I have walked off of construction sites without signing out?  Such
a person can't protect any ring of molesters or dissidents or illegal immigrants or 
smugglers, etc.

If you did believe that which Diane Thompson (Diana Mangum) stated about me
online, please write to me and let me know.  I am dying to discover how gullible
American "church people" are.  And let's admit that the only people who read the
Wuerlgate/Wuerleaks site are either 1} "church folk" or 2} those who want fuel 
to destroy the Catholic Church, 3}as well as the avowed homosexual activist who 
wanted to protect the less-than-naturally-inclined Cardinal Donald Wuerl, in his
protection of predatory priests.

In re: Wuerlgate, aka Wuerleaks, aka A Wuerl of Hurt:

I built a sandcastle at great labor, and the old bully, Diane Thompson-Mangum-
Labiaux kicks it over, with her online libel.

At this point, think: I'm a construction worker who also did legal filings, logis-
tical maintenance, and field work for a construction company, while having to 
manage allergic asthma in a nation that legalizes asthma triggering chemicals 
that reek from "air fresheners" which are, now a days, practically everywhere. 
Now, that kind of work ... along with the asthma obstacles ... and the weight-
lifting take up a lot of time.  Add my writings and photography which has
taken-up a tremendous amount of time, also.  Now, here is the question:

Where do I have the time to operate a molester's ring?  Where do I get the
money?  Or have you finally realized that the woman who now calls her-
self "Diana" Mangum is a complete liar who stated that you can spend all
day on the internet and not find anything about me, when the truth is that:

1} you can even find a couple football photos of me and a couple track and
field photos,  2} as well as numerous economic, environmental, and military
history writings written by me,  3} along with work-related photos, and even 
personal photos, in addition to hundreds of photographs from my archives
which comprise photos that I took in California, New Mexico, Florida, the Great
Lakes Region, the Three Rivers Region, Cleveland, Baltimore, Gettysburg,
Chicago, Notre Dame, an Ohio national park, and elsewhere.

Here is a second question:  Why was activist Frank La Feriere and others so
stupid as to have believed Diane Thompson-Mangum-Labiaux?

For now, either read the security clearance posted below or eat it in a court
of law.  Plus, my other clearances can be seen here.  If I were you, I would
look at them, or else you're going to be looking at them in a courtroom.  

And if you think that I'm bluffing, remember one thing.  I took mighty mighty 
Donald Wuerl to the United States Supreme Court.  I didn't bluff then.  I'm not 
bluffing now.  When I have the time to waste on vile people, I will take care of