March 05, 2024

Wuerl's attorney bullied family already victimized by attempted murder.

Adam was shot in the back of the head, while seated on a parked bus,
on Serra Catholic school grounds.  His shooter then killed himself.
Preliminary Statement:  In case you're entirely missing the point, the Adam
Ference attempted murder investigation occurred in the State of Pennsylvania:

in 1] the Sandusky State,  2] the Bevilacqua State, 3] the State of Nick Perry
& the Tampered Lottery Balls , 4] the Video Poker Machine Magistrate State,
5] the Luzerne County Cash for Kids State,  6] the Voter Rights Suppression
State, and  7] the Donald Wuerl Cover-up State where Wuerl got away with
 having entirely ignored the Child Protective Services Act in four simultane-
ous cases, comprising Fathers Robert Wolk, Richard Zula, Francis Pucci,
and John Hoehl.  In fact, Wuerl was accused of having foot dragged during
a criminal investigation which resulted in a triple indictment of three of
Wuerl's priests, yet he was never called to answer for allegedly doing so.

Pennsylvania is also the State where Wuerl ratified the Torquato Retaliations
and made the life of a credible accuser/deacon a living Hell.  Pennsylvania is
additionally the State where a judge dismissed a molester priest case, solely
on the grounds that he was a priest.


A 16 year old Adam Ference sat on a bus which had just rolled onto the
grounds of a Pittsburgh area Catholic high school.  It was December and
Christmas was approaching.  Adam was in the third row from the back of
the bus.  A gun was suddenly placed behind Adam's head, the trigger was
pulled, an ear-creasing sound next engulfed the bus, and movement began.

The young shooter then pointed the deadly weapon at his own head and pulled
the trigger one last time.  His hand slumped into his cap, while it kept a grasp
on the gun. It were as if the shooter had now become one with the instrument
that rendered him instantly unconscious.  He were as if he were still in control.
Yet, he would soon be officially pronounced dead.  Meanwhile, Adam was alive,
in the midst of disorientation and bleeding.  Yet, he was conscious.

The events attached to this shooting and its truncated investigation have been
described online in text.  So, now would be the time to finally disclose at least
one basic document in this case.  It involves the police report.  Now, there is
the allegation that a decisive deposition exists in the case.  For now, the police
report's conclusion will suffice.

If and only if you knew the details of this case, you would have long since
realized that there is more involved in this particular shooting than in most
other violent crimes where a Catholic school was the venue.  You would
realize that all indications are such that Donald Wuerl had an intense mo-
tive for allegedly seeing to it that the Ference case would be swept under
the rug before the shooter's motive could be ascertained.  There was more
than enough motive for Wuerl to see to it that the case would never have
any closure attached to it.

                     Wuerl's Three Visits to the Hospital

Wuerl visited Adam at the hospital three times in one week.  Each visit
was a matter of Wuerl going out almost as quickly as he entered the In-
tensive Care Unit.

He did not look like the confident bishop you see in his posed photos.
He looked insecure, saying predictable things, such as the diocese was
praying for the Ference family.   Wuerl would then become a stone cold
figure, aloof to the family.

The three quick visits in one week was perceived as overkill, by Adam's
father, especially in light of the fact that Wuerl didn't bond with the victim-
ized family in any capacity.  None the less, Donald Wuerl would distance
himself from the family more quickly than his hospital disappearing acts.
Eventually, Wuerl would benefit from one of his attorney's bully tactics. 

None the less, there was a religious/brother who was the school guidance
counselor who, as Mike Ference put it, acted as if they forgot his straight
jacket as he reluctantly entered the hospital.  The reluctance was too loud
to not notice.  In addition, the other brother/religion who was employed at
Serra Catholic had either a heart attack, angina, or other sudden ailment
involving severe chest pains.  He was the person he walked onto the bus
and removed the gun from Bobby Butler's hand.

Concerning the attempted murder of Adam Ference, the statement on
the police report which points to motive is:  "Also, there is reason to 
believe Robert Butler was into Satanism or Devil-Worship, although 
this has not yet been confirmed."  Keep in mind that such activity
amongst youth was not unheard-of at the time.  Even on mainstream
local radio at the time was mentioning animal sacrifices occurring in
certain wooded areas of the region.  It was a sign of the times.  I did
view photos of one of Bobby Butler's religion class text books.  On
one page, there was a photo of a cemetery.  Bobby assigned names
of people he knew to the gravestones.  Thus, he was cryptic, to say
the least.

                The Diocesan Attorney's Intimidation Tactic

The red flag in the Adam Ference shooting unfurled during an intimidation
tactic allegedly employed during the deposition of a pertinent law enforce-
ment officer.  Needless to say, the Ference family filed a civil action against
Wuerl's diocese.  Depositions ensued.  The decisive intimidation tactic em-
ployed by Wuerl's lawyer went as follows

The Ference family attorney asked the law enforcement official what he
knew about a Father John Wellinger molesting young males in the vicinity.
Wuerl's lawyer then banged his hand on the table and started to spew out
foreign-sounding legal terminology in front of Mike Ference, Adam's dad.
The lawyer made it sound as if the bishop of Pittsburgh was now going to
sue the already victimized Ference family and win a large cash award in
the process.  So, Mike thought that he had to walk away from the law-
suit, in order to protect the Ference family house ... literally.

The Ference family had now become a double victim.  This time, its mem-
bers were victimized by Donald Wuerl, in a surrogate manner.  This type
of bullying IS Donald Wuerl's repeatedly observed MO.  It's typical for
such bullying to be orchestrated by any tiny and effeminate male who al-
legedly gets hissy-fit huffy over the way a gift is wrapped when said gift
is destined for Italy, home of the Vatican.

In my experience, when an adversarial attorney starts to act aggressive,
the plaintiff's lawyer responds with a speech that ends in the phrase, "we
can take this to the judge."  Upon pronunciation of the word, "judge," the
aggressive lawyer becomes silent.  But, that's only my experience.

Mike's attorney didn't fight back.  He didn't tell Mike that the hand slam-
ming was a pretentious  show and that the deposed witness was obligated
under oath to answer the question, without a judge's intervention.  The an-
swer to the question about Wellinger would have been invaluable.  The
question was never answered.  Yet, it was asked, to ascertain the motive
of the shooter.

Ironically, the same Fr. John Wellinger would be named in a lawsuit as
a molester in the future.  The accuser was someone other than the shooter
of Adam Ference.  None the less, before the attempted murder of Adam
Ference, there was yet another accuser of Wellinger.   Plus, there was a
nun who allegedly warned the diocese about Wellinger, years before the
attempted murder and successful suicide.  Now, the reaelty that Wellinger
was accused was fact.  The question is if he had anything to do with in-
stilling a sense of despair or macabre in the person who shot young Adam
Ference and then committed suicide.  He did live in Wellinger country at
the time.  So, this was a valid question.

The deposition's theatrics indicate that the Pittsburgh diocese had already
known about Wellinger.  A piece of evidence pertaining to the Shadyside
accusation, and therefore yet another accuser of Wellinger, fell into my
hands in 2012.   John Wellinger most certainly had more than one accus-
er; not merely the one person who filed legal action against the Pittsburgh
diocese on account of Wellinger.

This indicates that the Pittsburgh diocese knew about Wellinger before
anyone committed suicide on Pittsburgh diocesan property.  Plus, on the
1st or 2nd of May, in 2012, the nun who was alleged to have warned the
diocese about Wellinger was contacted, for information.  She allegedly
said that she did not want to comment on the topic.  Her name will not
be disclosed by me, out of gentlemanly courtesy.  None the less, if she
had nothing to reveal, she would have said so, assuring the public that
the was nothing to the Wellinger accusations.  Her refusal to answer the
nationally known journalist who contacted her was an answer in itself.

At this point, a question remains.  Was the shooter of Adam Ference mixed
up with the Fr. John Wellinger who was already accused of wrong doing?
Was he influenced or traumatized by him?  No one shoots himself in an
emotional vacuum.  There is always a motive to be sought in these types
of cases.  What was the motive for the attempted murder and suicide?

              The Shooter, Son of a Former Police Officer

The shooter's name was Bobby Butler.  His dad was a former police offi-
cer at the time.  In fact, a public accuser of John Wellinger was also the
son of a police officer, coincidentally enough.  In addition, Bobby Butler
was alleged to have been preoccupied with death.  I was sent the jpeg of
an important piece of evidence regarding this.  Bobby Butler was definite-
ly preoccupied with death.

The gun belonged to Bobby's dad.  It was a 32 caliber hand gun.  The
size of it was such that the bullet fired into Adam's head predominately
got lodged in the skull, with only fragments penetrating further.  The re-
sult was a diminished peripheral vision.

The element of contributory negligence and the motive in seeing 
to it that the investigation would be halted before establishing it.

The question is, "Who put Bobby up to this?"  "Who influenced Bobby so
much so that he attempted murder and then shot himself shortly thereafter?"
In as much, Wuerl's motive in having the Ference case abandoned was to
make sure that no one could prove that the Diocese of Pittsburgh was con-
tributory to (or negligent it) Bobby Butler's fatal behavior.  This is because,
if the diocese was contributory, then it was the guiding force which put a
high-speed bullet in the back of Adam Ference's head.

Another interesting thing about the case is that a man accused of Boston-
area molestation was working at the school where Adam was shot.  How-
ever, the accused teacher testifies to his innocence to this very hour, and
Adam Ference said that he was such a nice guy.  Yet, no one in the pub-
lic eye knew that a Cardinal Bernadin Law man was given the red carpet
treatment by the Donald Wuerl administration.  This was a religious with
the rank of brother, as well as a teacher, who was twice accused of mo-
lestation and given the welcome mat by the Donald Wuerl people.

The #1 question at this point was Booby Butler's motive.  There was the
deposition of yet another law enforcement officer whose testimony includ-
ed the proposed motive for Bobby's deadly conduct.  If the lawman had
been correct, then Wuerl had an intense motive for having the investiga-
tion swept under the rug.   Incidentally, the police originally stated that
the gun fell into Bobby's pocket.  That part of the report was amended.
Quite frankly, it held zero weight in the motive for the shooting.  That's
the entire case at this moment:  "What guiding force held the gun that
shot Adam Ference and Bobby Butler?"

So, what would have been Bobby's motive, in light of the fact that Adam
and Bobby had zero rivalry between each other, and being that they were
NOT fighting over a girl?  Bobby's motive was conjectured in the follow-
ing document.  If would have been the influencing factor, generally speak-
ing.  Next would come the hunt for the persons who instilled this influence.
Was it a Pittsburgh diocesan priests?  Was it someone else?  No one lives
in a vacuum.  If and only if this conjecture is true, the follow-up question is:
"Who put Bobby up to this kind of lifestyle which ensured a shortened life?"
