August 05, 2024

I learned about Theodore McCarrick as far back as 2002. And Donald Wuerl didn't learn of his crimes & tort offenses until 2004? Oh, I don't think so.

Above: One of the well-built bridges of the posh Mundelein seminary grounds.
This seminary was NOT scandal-free.  Cardinal Wuerl deceived Americans
& the Vatican in having given "a clean bill of health" to it and the American
seminary system in general.  A monster was on the loose throughout Ameri-
ca's seminary system, and Donald Wuerl looked the other way. 
Note:  It was recently reported that Donald Wuerl knew of Theodore
McCarrick's sexual aggression as far back as 2004, due to a lawsuit
settlement.  Try again.  Go back into time even further.

Wuerl was intimately involved with the seminary "visitations" of the
1990s, as were promulgated by John Paul II.  Now, "Visitation" is an
euphemism for Inspection, and Donald Wuerl's involvement in those
inspections/visitations means that he was privy to everything occur-
ring in American seminaries earlier than 99% of anyone else.

Wuerl was involved even before he became a bishop.  Therefore, he
had to have known about McCarrick at the outset.  This is plausible,
being that Wuerl was discovered to have been one of the most suc-
cessful cover-up artist bishops of the Vatican II church.  Wuerl is
turning out to be far more unethical and deceitful than what even
the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report stated.

Let us review:

For those unaware, Donald Wuerl was twice a part of a seminary inspect-
ion system known as Visitations.  After such visitations, he reported to
Rome that the seminaries in the United States were in sound and healthy
condition.  However, this was a lie, being that the seminaries were being
overrun by a cabal of Sodomites in power and a school of heretical teach-
ers placed in positions of administrative rank.  In fact, the seminaries were
severely lacking in the teaching of moral theology and other categories of
academic subject matter needed by priests.  Revelations of the pathetic
state of "priestly formation" in the United States were found in the book,
Goodbye, Good Men.

The alleged Vaseline Queen, Donald Wuerl  . . .  eight-year provider of week-
ly Sodomite Masses in two Pittsburgh parishes ... was principally involved in
that which used to be called "the training for the priesthood." Its new name
is now the spiffy title, Priestly Formation, and Wuerl was influential in that
department of the imploding Catholic Church.  The term, "training for the
priesthood" sounds more natural and gives the idea of SERVICE to human-
ity.  "Priestly formation" makes the priesthood sound like an elite cabal of
spiffy guys to important for you me and the rest of humanity.

One more thing:   In the 1990s, Catholic seminaries were frequently called
"Faggot Factories."  The idea of a Saint Patrick, a Saint Benedict of Nursia,
or a Saint Francis of Assisi going on a forty day fast in solitude was deleted
from the minds of the Donald Wuerls of the Vatican II church.  Pillow mints
replaced the manly 40-day fast.

Now, one of the seminaries visited by Wuerl and then assessed as healthy by
him was America's largest one, namely the Chicago-area seminary in Munde-
lein, Illinois.  Concerning this, I pass the Mundelein seminary grounds 3 to 15
times a week, whenever I'm not stationed in Pittsburgh.  So yesterday ... at the
time of this writing ... I took a camera into the public-access area of Mundelein,
and did a photo-shoot.  Below is a pictorial.

For the geographic record, Mundelein is located approximately 40 miles north
of downtown Chicago.  None the less, that geographic area is still regarded as
part of "Chicagoland."

Now, my purpose for posting Mundelein photos is to show you that Cardinal
Wuerl was only referring to the physical appearance of a posh seminary, when
he gave it his seal of approval.  He was not referring to the curriculum, the rule
of seminarian life, the character of the classroom instruction there or even the
discipline of Mundelein's seminarians.  This post, therefore, is to show you the
utter vanity & superficiality of a Cardinal Donald Wuerl who remains at the top
of a Catholic hierarchy that has been corrupted for too long a period of time.

A depiction of the 1858 Lourdes apparitions on Mundelein
seminary grounds.  There were secrets confided by the
Virgin Mary there, just like at Fatima Portugal.
Concerning Mundelein, even in recent years it housed priests known to have been
sexually abusive.  The pertinence of this is that Mundelein is located across a two-
lane highway from a Catholic high school ... and a jogging trail.

Even though the media and American bishops put forth the pretense in 2002 that
the seminaries would be reformed, along with priestly life in parishes, Mundelein
made the headlines for less-than-virtuous living a few years later.  This shows that
the bishops & their spokesmen were basically giving lip service in 2002, because
the all-so-enlightened Vatican II Church was embarrassingly backed against a wall.

It was 2002 when a number of Boston archdiocesan molester priests made the head-
lines, followed by mass exposure of sex abuse cover-ups throughout the continent-
sized United States.  Thus, 2002 is regarded as the "benchmark"  year for Church
reform.  But, this turned out to be mostly propaganda.  After all, the most notorious
molester in Church history (Maciel) remained free to roam throughout the world for
four additional years and the retaliatory Father James Torquato would eventually be
granted a pastorship in Wuerl's own Diocese of Pittsburgh.

Then, as recently as 2016 and 2017, the archdiocese of NYC turned out to be a ver-
itable Sodom & Gomorrah in the ranks of the NYC parish priesthood, resulting in
a million+ dollar lawsuit. 

Meanwhile, in the Summer of 2017, a few hundred yards from the papal residence
in Rome, the police raided an absentee cardinal's home and found a drug-ridden
rgy in progress.   A monsignor ended up being sent to a Roman drug detox unit.

All in all, a quote from a Vatican insider was recently alleged to be, "Homosexual 
practice in the Vatican has never been worse."  Thus, the Vatican has become the
New Sodom, thereby giving credibility to the Marian apparitions of Fatima Portu-
gal, Akita Japan, La Salette France, & Quito Ecuado, being that the hideous state
of priesthood and Church in general was prophesied.   In as much, whenever you
encounter a priest, nun, parish education director, deacon, seminarian, and/or Cath-
olic school teacher who rejects church-authenticated Marian apparitions, you can
now reasonably understand why.  It's the Brat Syndrome mingled with the Lazy
Slough-Off lifestyle.
Yes, this is the Mundelein seminary.
An irony to this era of sexual anarchy is that Catholic Church marriage law was
so morally-minded for centuries that Italy, ranging from the Mt Vesuvius region
to the northern Italian border, historically stands among the least inbred regions
on Earth, along with the traditionally Catholic Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark,
Southern Norway, Northeastern France, Western Germany, Southeastern England,
and a few other places such as the Basque region of Northern Spain.  However, the
same cannot be said of the Sicily and Calabria which stands in the middle range of
the statistics on the subject.

The offending priests of this present era spent their time of formation during the
years when Wuerl was influential in the aforesaid "priestly formation."  For ex-
ample, the Roman monsignor who was arrested  in a July 2017 police raid and
then sent to drug-detox is 26 years younger than Wuerl.  Thus, one must admit
that Wuerl was an utter failure at priestly formation reforms, unless his goal
was instituting the presence of Sodomite priests who have orgies, boyfriends,
and a habit of recreational drug use.  If that were his goal, then Cardinal Don-
ald Wuerl was a mighty success, indeed ... and the rest of us lost.

Cardinal Wuerl is one who chooses candidates for the episcopacy, and this is
something very distorting to the ranks of bishop and very disconcerting to de-
vout members of the Catholic laity.  Now, episcopacy refers to the college of
bishops.  So, one can expect Wuerl to chose for the rank of bishop those who
are like him.

For the record, the Donald Wuerl we encountered in Pittsburgh was a flaming
Tinker Bell and a huffy narcissist who committed acts of retaliation, as if do-
ing so were his God-given right.  He was also the Mad-Church-Closer, as well
as the host of canonically banned Dignity Masses.  His chronic disobedience
to the See of Peter was well-noted.  Now, he is being presented as the pope's
right hand man.

Even worse was Wuerl's decades of being an accessory, via willful neglect, to the
crime against humanity currently known as slave labor profiteering and formerly
known as Defraudment of Laborers of their Wages.   It's another one of the four
sins which cry to Heaven for Vengeance.  Wuerl is so full of narcissism and Self-
love that he believes himself to be immune to the Vengeance of the Eternal God.

Keep in mind that a person in power and/or influence becomes guilty before God
and any future Nuremberg-type tribunal for any crime to which a person benefits
and/or gives his tacit approval, as well as making a public defense of the crime in-
stitutionalized.  Wuerl's Sin of Silence, committed while he was morally obliged
to speak out, was his tacit approval.  He needs to be forced to work in sweatshop
labor conditions until he dies, as a punishment for his habitual Sin of Deliberate
Indifference ... Negligence ... Omission ... Selfishness.

Keep in mind that you can operate a seminary in war-torn ruins and in humble
venues, such as the hedgeland of Ireland which was the teaching grounds for
Catholics during the British persecution of Catholicism.  In fact, the very first
seminaries were the shores of Galilee and a few fishing boats, not to mention
the banks of the Jordan River operated by a recruiter named John the Baptist.
Thus, posh seminary grounds don't instantly make better seminary instruction.

All in all, we need to enter into the age of heroism, where people overcome their
cravings, their knee-jerk tempers, their egotism, and their more violent forms of
lust, as well as overcoming the Sin of Cowardice when confronted by political
thuggery.  The 21st Century Church must toss-away its present magnetism to the
lifestyle of the 18th Century French aristocrats who met their destinies at the edge
of guillotine blades.
The Catholic Catechism teachers of Ireland, during
the British persecution of the Roman Catholic Church,
were called Hedgemasters.  They kept Catholicism
alive under the danger of death.  Yet, Wuerl ripped
Catholicism apart while living in posh settings.
In case you are missing the point, keep in mind that these priests and Wuerl made 
a vow, in order to get the posh privileges that a clergyman gets in modern America 
and modernized Rome.  To make that vow and to then live the Sodomite lifestyle in
violation of a major vow is Theft by Deception.  It constitutes Grand Larceny.  If you 
break that priesthood vow on an habitual basis, then it's time for you to go.

Additionally remember that history repeats itself, being that the Eternal God is not
a spiritual shape-shifter who bows to the whims of mankind.  Therefore, the person
who fails to learn from the tragedies recorded in history are condemned to repeat
This is one of two Rte 176 entrances.  Across the road is a Catholic high school.
It's known as Our Lady of the Lake University.  Here's the lake.
The lake, again.  This is officially Mundelein seminary grounds, also.
This is the ocula (roof opening) of a well-built tunnel on seminarian grounds.
Well, I did Wintertime photography of Mundelein, too.
Here's the lake under thawing ice.

The lake, yet again.
The previously mentioned tunnel of the seminary.
Mundelein in the Wintertime, yet again.
For the record, this was NOT photo-shopped or altered in
any way.  This is a common photographer's field trick, called
Sun Flaring.  I mention this, being that I get harassed for every-
thing I post which has popularity attached to it, and my photography
has gotten millions of pageviews (hits.)  So, I got harassed for it.
The Versailles of Chicagoland, aka Mundelein seminary grounds.

© Patrick Anthony Pontillo, along with all the other photos here.

Yes, it really does look like Versailles, France, but but but it's reminiscent
of a Virginian form of architectural design.    So, it actually looks like a
cross between Thomas Jefferson's Monticello and Versailles.
In review, it's not the look of the classrooms that matter.  Rather, it's the content of
the classroom teachings that do.  Wuerl ignored this and graded Mundelein as an
A+ seminary, simply based on its appearance . . . in my opinion.

Now, we need seminarians, being that we need a priesthood whose ordinations trace
directly back to the original apostles who happened to have been the original priests 
and bishops.  We simply need better bishops ... honest ones who aren't cowards when 
faced by the ways of the less-than-sanctified world and who don't dedicate themselves 
to living pampered, French aristocratic lifestyles.  Keep in mind that there are no more
French aristocrats.  They have been oxidized, to politely state it.

So, why do I mention this?  ANS: Because of the prophecy of Rianjo, when Christ
appeared from a consecrated host and stated to the Sister Lucia of Fatima fame that
the modern bishops are headed to the same destiny that was met by the King
of France.  The Rianjo prophecy is why I refer to Cardinal Wuerl's high-priced living
style as his Marie Antoinette lifestyle.

Signing off from Chicagoland,  Pat the Wonder Rat (Inside joke)

References for you to view, written by other persons: